
Journalist attacked by Brazilian governor's bodyguards

The journalist Silene Borges, host and director of TV Líder, accused the bodyguards of Siqueira Campos, governor of Tocantins, Brazil, of attacking her while visiting the city of Araguaína on Sept. 6, reported Portal O Norte.

According to Araguaínas Notícias, the journalist took an elbow to the chest while trying to interview the governor. Borges, who suffers from heart troubles, was hospitalized after the event, reported Portal AF. Afterward, she filed a police report for assault.

"Besides leaving there physically assaulted, I left humiliated. I was doing my job. Now it's in the court's hands. I'm not going to treat this lightly, Governor. I'm not going anywhere," Borges says in the video below (in Portuguese).