In Brazil, one of the ten countries with the highest rate of impunity in crimes against journalists worldwide, three bills underway in Congress propose to toughen the criminal treatment of perpetrators of violence against journalists and press professionals.
"To do investigative journalism in Latin America and in other parts of the world has two parts: the first part is about the investigation itself with all its great challenges and the second part, which is not talked about much, is the defense of the investigation, and that is almost as complex or sometimes more than the investigation itself," Peruvian investigative journalist Gustavo Gorriti told the Knight Center.
With the objective of training a diverse group of professionals and forming a network of collaborators throughout Brazil, journalist Alecsandra Zapparoli created the first edition of the Jornada Galápagos de Jornalismo.
Rumors about alleged connections between vaccines and autism, miraculous cures for chronic diseases, and the questioning of global warming brought about by human action, spread easily through social networks. Faced with these and other challenges, communicators who are dedicated to science journalism in Latin America seek to strengthen themselves through networks and associations.
Journalists and media from countries that had elections in 2018, such as Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, Paraguay, Colombia and El Salvador, confronted situations of violence and censorship.
A Mexican journalist receiving protection from the government is alive after being shot twice in the state of Oaxaca.
Press freedom organizations from Latin America and the United States have come out in defense of Daniel Santoro and three other Argentine journalists after a judge named them in an investigation into alleged extortion and illegal espionage he says was carried out by the fake lawyer Marcelo D'Alessio.
U.S. Representative Debbie Dingell, a Democrat from Michigan, introduced a private bill in Congress to grant Mexican journalist Emilio Gutiérrez Soto an immigrant visa or permanent resident status after his asylum case was denied in February.
Journalist Gabriel Hernández was killed on March 17 in the Valle department in southern Honduras, according to local media reports.
Journalist and radio host Santiago Barroso was killed in the doorway to his home in the Mexican state of Sonora on the night of March 15.
Women journalists are "twice as likely to be victims of violence" in the Americas for exercising their right to freedom of expression and for reasons of gender.
Venezuelan officials released German journalist Billy Six on March 15 after he spent four months in detention.