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12th Ibero-American Colloquium of Digital Journalism to gather professionals from Latin America, Spain & Portugal; Register now

Registration is now open for the 12th Ibero-American Colloquium of Digital Journalism.

proyecto colaborativo entre Univisión Noticias y el sitio salvadoreño El Faro obtuvo el Premio de Periodismo Rey de España

Ibero-American journalists recognized with King of Spain Awards

Journalism from five Latin American countries were recognized with the King of Spain Awards, as announced by Spanish agency EFE and the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Attacks against journalists in Brazil increase over last year, according to Fenaj

The cases of aggression against journalists in Brazil grew 36.7 percent between 2017 and 2018, according to a recent report from the National Federation of Journalists (Fenaj). There were 135 incidents of violence with 227 victims, according to the organization.

Photojournalist is hit by rubber bullet during protest coverage in São Paulo

Brazilian photojournalist Daniel Arroyo was hit by a rubber bullet fired by a military police officer (PM, for its initials in Portuguese) on Jan. 16. He was covering a protest against the fare increase for public transportation in São Paulo when he was injured in the right knee.

Widow and daughter of murdered Nicaraguan journalist receive political asylum in the U.S.

The widow and daughter of journalist Ángel Gahona, who was killed last year while covering protests in Nicaragua, received asylum from the United States, according to newspaper La Prensa.

CNN building

CNN Brasil is born: businessman and journalist license brand of global TV network and launch channel later this year

The CNN news network licensed its brand for operation in Brazil starting the second half of 2019. The channel CNN Brasil will be managed by a new media company, according to an announcement made via Twitter.

How to Use Your Phone to Produce Great Videos & Build a Social Audience: Sign up for MOOC on mobile journalism

When Yusuf Omar spoke to a crowd of media executives, academics and journalists last April in Austin, he told them “Our future is in our ability to curate and aggregate and listen to the voices of mobile storytellers around the world.”

Former Brazilian mayor starts serving sentence 14 years after murder of Paraguayan radio journalist

Almost 15 years after ordering the murder of Paraguayan radio host Samuel Romã, former Brazilian mayor Eurico Mariano will begin serving his 17-year prison sentence.

News Algorithms: Sign up now for this free online course, learn about the impact of AI and automation on journalism

Newsrooms around the world are using automation to produce earnings reports, identify fact-checkable statements, and provide updates on court cases, among other functions. It’s now imperative that journalists understand the power and pitfalls of these technologies.

International journalists condemn growing attacks on press freedom in Nicaragua

From Mexico to the United States, France to Slovenia, Australia to Zambia, 244 international journalists signed a letter addressed to the president of Nicaragua expressing concern about the growing deterioration of press freedom in that country.

Miguel Mora from Nicaragua

Nicaraguan journalists jailed incommunicado as Ortega government continues targeting of independent media

It has been thirteen days since two independent Nicaraguan journalists were arrested as police entered the TV station where they work and forced it off air.

On the eve of a new government in Brazil, Bolsonaro criticizes the press and journalists are targeted on social networks

Brazil's president-elect Jair Bolsonaro and some of his allies do not appear to have toned down statements against critical journalism since the election in late October.