

Eight Peruvian journalists sue, accuse newspaper conglomerate El Comercio of media concentration

Last week eight journalists sued media conglomerate Grupo El Comercio before the Constitutional Court in Lima, Perú for its recent purchase of 54 percent of the shares of editorial group Epensa.

Impunity, the biggest threat to freedom of expression in the region, IFEX report says

In the last 20 years, 670 journalists have been killed in Latin America and the Caribbean, according to delegates from the IFEX-ACL alliance, which recently presented their Annual Report on Impunity 2013

Ecuadorian government concentrates media, spends millions in state advertising, report says

The government of President Rafael Correa currently holds 21 different media properties that include 14 impounded outlets, three public ones and four at the state level, according to the recent report "How the news we receive is filtered" conducted by the NGO Fundamedios.

Inter-American Court’s defamation decision represents blow to freedom of expression in Argentina, CPJ says

The Inter-American Court of Human Rights, the autonomous regional court under the Organization of American States, has decided for the first time that criminal defamation doesn’t affect freedom of expression in an unprecedented ruling that the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) called a major setback for the region.

1st edition of the Gabriel García Márquez Award honors journalists in Mexico, Nicaragua, Brasil and Colombia

After having received 1,379 submissions from Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula, the International Gabriel García Márquez Journalism Awards announced on Wednesday the winners of its first edition. They are journalists Alejandro Almazán, Esteban Felix, Lucio Castro and Olga Lucía Lozano.

IFEX’s campaign against impunity highlights threats and violence in Ecuador, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico

As part of its International Day to End Impunity 2013 campaign, freedom of expression organization IFEX included petitions to rally support for five persons from different countries who have been persecuted, threatened, intimidated tortured and/or imprisoned for exercising their right to express themselves freely. 

New app allows journalists in Mexico and Colombia to report attacks in real time

Using a new application for Android phones, any journalist in Mexico and Colombia can report real-time attacks to organizations dedicated to protecting freedom of expression, reported newspaper El Universal.

Political activists threaten journalist in Veracruz, Mexico

Organizations, citizens and academics in Mexico denounced last week the ongoing threats that journalist Norma Trujillo has been receiving since Nov. 6 from the group of political activists Antorcha Campensina, reported Spanish newspaper El País.

Bolivian journalist denounces threats and intimidation from ruling party

Bolivian journalist Marianela Montenegro denounced before the Inter American Press Association (IAPA) earlier this month that she has become the target of threats and intimidation coming from members of President Evo Morales’ administration and political party. 

Bolivian journalist denounces threats and intimidation from ruling party

Bolivian journalist Marianela Montenegro denounced before the Inter American Press Association (IAPA) earlier this month that she has become the target of threats and intimidation coming from members of President Evo Morales’ administration and political party. 

28 journalists attacked with pepper spray in Guatemala

Media outlets in Guatemala protested against authorities for the pepper spray attacks that 28 journalists suffered in two occasions while trying to interview Roberto Barreda -- the son of former Chief Justice Beatriz de León -- who is accused of the disappearance and murder of his wife Cristina Siekavizza in 2011, Cerigua reported.

Transparency grows in Brazil but stalls in Argentina, Austin Forum panelists say

Journalists in Argentina are calling for a law that grants them true access to public information and ensures that state agencies comply with information requests, said Juan Carlos Simo, a member of the Argentine Journalist’s Forum (FOPEA)