

Cuban journalist jailed after photographing inspectors, declares hunger strike

Cuban news agency Hablemos Press reported the arrest of independent journalist Héctor Julio Cedeño on Feb. 5, for allegedly attacking a police officer in Havana, the capital.

Reforms to El Salvador's sunshine law strip powers from access to public information institute

The Salvadoran Congress approved reforms to the Access to Public Information Law that strip the autonomous access to public information institute of the power to declassify secret documents and order public institutions to respond to requests for information, according to El Faro.

New Pew report highlights winning strategies for increasing, diversifying newspaper revenues

Amid plummeting print revenues and anemic online ad revenue growth, the U.S. newspaper industry is looking for new revenue streams. A new report from the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism examines how four outliers are bucking this trend and offers some lessons for other publications. 

Press freedom organization reports 158 attacks on journalists in Colombia during 2012

The Press Freedom Foundation (FLIP in Spanish) celebrated the Day of the Journalist in Colombia on Saturday, Feb. 9, with the release of its 2012 report on the state of press freedom in Colombia. Click here to read the full report (in Spanish). 

Honduran security minister rages against newspaper for publishing shoot-out footage

Following the release of a video showing the shooting deaths of two young people in Honduras and the publication of several violent events in the country, the president and security minister of Honduras are blaming the media for harming the country's image and causing social damage.

Press leader denounces undue blame placed on private media in Venezuela

As Colombia commemorated the Day of the Journalist on Saturday, Feb. 9, the president of the Venezuelan National Union of Journalists (CNP in Spanish), Tinedo Guía -- who was visiting the Venezuelan state of Táchira at the invitation of the North Santander Journalist Circle, a Colombian organization -- warned about the difficulties reporters face in his country, reported El Universal.

Political reporter threatened at council meeting by politician in Brazil

The Brazilian newspaper Diario da Região reported that city councilman Cesar Gelsi threatened a political reporter for the publication, Rodrigo Lima. The threats followed articles the journalist published calling Gelsi "the living-dead of politics" and included him in a list of officials charged with failing to pay backed taxes.

Five employees of Mexican newspaper freed after kidnapping

The Mexican newspaper El Siglo de Torreón announced the release of five of its employees who were kidnapped for 10 hours between the afternoon of Thursday, Feb. 7, and the early morning of Friday, Feb. 8.

City in Spain to name street after slain Mexican journalist

Regina Martínez, a Mexican journalist who was killed in the city of Xalapa, Veracruz last year, will have a street in Oviedo, Spain named after her, reported news agency EFE. 

Mexican Supreme Court rules restrictions on access to preliminary investigations unconstitutional

The Mexican Supreme Court declared laws that restrict information presented as part of a preliminary investigation are unconstitutional and restrict the public's right to access information, reported the newspaper Reforma.

Nieman Fellows honor Mexican reporter Marcela Turati with Louis Lyons Award: The ceremony in tweets

Mexican reporter Marcela Turati received on Thursday Feb. 7 the Louis Lyons Award for Conscience and Integrity in Journalism, awarded each year by the Nieman Fellows at Harvard University.

The Guardian retracts accusations of bias in Mexican broadcaster's election coverage

The British newspaper the Guardian released a statement admitting that Mexican television broadcaster Televisa' elections coverage complied with the Federal Election Institute's impartiality rules.