

Mexican journalist in critical condition after being stabbed

Just one week from presidential elections in Mexico, a Mexican journalist was stabbed on Sunday, June 24, before entering his house in the city of Oaxaca, in the southeastern part of the country, reported the Center for Journalism and Public Ethics (CEPET in Spanish).

Brazil tells OAS it will not reopen investigation into killing of journalist Vladimir Herzog

The Brazilian government told the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) of the Organization of American States that it will not reopen the case of the killing of reporter Vladimir Herzog for further investigation due to the amnesty law, reported the G1 on Thursday, June 21.

Mexican president signs law to protect journalists

Mexican President Felipe Calderón signed a new law to protect journalists on Friday, June 22, reported the Organización Editorial Mexicana.

Mexican official confirms that disappeared journalist is under government protection

A Mexican official confirmed that journalist Stephania Cardoso is currently under the protection of the federal government, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) reported Friday, June 22.

Attacks on Venezuelan press to increase as presidential elections approach, warns newspaper group

With the Venezuelan presidential elections just three months away, attacks against the press and journalists will most likely increase, warned the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA). WAN-IFRA visited Venezuela from June 4-6 and found that independent media were polarized and weakened.

Brazilian public official accused of masterminding journalist's killing

A public official from the Brazilian state of Maranhão was accused masterminding the killing of journalist Décio Sá, according to the hit-man's statement, which was leaked out on to the internet on Thursday, June 21, reported the Agência Estado.

Mexican authorities say killing of Proceso reporter was a crime of passion

Nearly two months after the killing of Mexican journalist Regina Martínez, authorities of the state of Veracruz leaked information to the local press indicating that the killing was a crime of passion and not related to her journalistic work, reported the newspaper Imagen del Golfo.

Chilean TV journalist suspended for satirizing former dictator's tribute

A Chilean reporter was suspended after satirizing a tribute to the former dictator Augusto Pinochet during the news program “Ultima Mirada” on the channel Chilevisión. Despite much criticism, the Chilean TV station denied taking the reporter off the air, reported the digital newspaper El Mostrador.

Peruvian journalist brutally attacked after criticizing mayor

A Peruvian journalist was hospitalized after being brutally attacked in the province of Calca, department of Cuzco, after criticizing the local mayor, whom the journalist blamed for the attack, reported the news outlet Enlace Nacional.

Texas freelance photojournalist disappears in Mexico

A month has passed since a freelance photojournalist from Texas working in Mexico has been heard from, reported the television station Fox 29 of San Antonio the night of Thursday, June 21.

Specialists from UN present proposal to protect journalists

On Wednesday, June 20, two UN Special Rapporteurs called for better protection for journalists during the Human Rights Council meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, reported the news site Rfi.

Another journalist reported missing in central Mexico

A Mexican journalist was reported missing in the central state of San Luis Potosí, according to the news agency Notimex.