

Journalist kidnapped in Sergipe, Brazil

A journalist was abducted by armed kidnappers the night of Wednesday, March, 7, while he was waiting for his girlfriend at a university in Aracaju, capital of the state of Sergipe in Brazil, reported the news site G1.

How to write for digital media: Techniques for web writing

Online news consumption is becoming important around the world as audiences and investments grow exponentially. In the United States, digital media advertising revenue is increasing while traditional media revenues are decreasing, and in Brazil, online advertising revenue is expected to surpass print in 2015. However, not all professionals that work in the news industry are prepared to modify their print style of writing to a screen style, nor do they take into account the fact that online reading is different.

Bolivian government approves decree guaranteeing transportation for journalists working at night

The Bolivian government approved a decree requiring media owners to guarantee transportation at night for journalists and other press workers, reported radio station FM Bolivia. The door-to-door transport is supposed to run from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m.

Killing in Honduras prompts Reporters Without Borders to demand international mission to investigate crimes against journalists

A radio broadcaster became the 19th journalist killed in Honduras since 2010, prompting press groups to call for an investigation into the violence, reported the Associated Press.

Brazilian publishing company ordered to pay $283,000 for article that allegedly insulted ex-president

The Brazilian Superior Court on Tuesday, March 6, ordered the publishing company Editora Abril to pay roughly $283,000 in damages to the senator and ex-president Fernando Collor de Mello, who claimed he was insulted in an article published by the magazine Veja, reported the news site G1. The publishing company can appeal the ruling.

U.S. photojournalist says he was unjustly arrested in Chile, criticizes police brutality

A U.S. journalist working in Chile said he was unjustly arrested, and criticized the police brutality that has worsened since multiple protests erupted in Chile in May 2011, reported the news agency UPI.

Ecuadorian government accused of distorting Human Rights Watch's stance on freedom of expression

In a statement, the human rights organization Human Rights Watch (HRW) criticized the Ecuadorian government for "flagrantly" distorting information about what was discussed during a meeting between HRW and the National Communication Secretary of Ecuador, Fernando Alvarado, where freedom of expression in the country was debated.

Journalist in Paraguay accuses senator of making death threats

A Paraguayan journalist said he received a death threat from Senator Robert Acevedo, reported the newspaper ABC Color on Friday, March 2. The senator denied the accusations, saying that it was an attempt to cause him political harm, added ABC Color.

Court orders online news site to pay Brazilian newspaper for violating copyright laws

A Brazilian court in São Paulo ordered the company responsible for the news site 24HorasNews to pay roughly $28,400 in damages to the newspaper company Folha da Manhã, which publishes Folha de São Paulo, for violating authorship rights, reported the site Prosa e Política.

Judge in Honduras prevents TV reporter from entering courtroom with camera for hearing where he was claimant

A judge in Honduras refused entry to a television reporter wanting to attend the court hearing for a lawsuit that he himself had filed against a Catholic leader who assaulted him, reported the organization C-Libre.

Mexican senators approve proposal to require federal authorities to investigate attacks against the press

Mexican senators approved a proposal ("dictamen de ley") that would require federal authorities to investigate, prosecute, and punish crimes against journalists or any attacks affecting the rights to access of information, freedom of expression or of the press, according to a statement from the Senate.

Venezuelan journalist's news program canceled after TV channel sold to Chavez supporters

Venezuelan journalist Laure Nicotra criticized the arbitrary cancellation of the news program that she had hosted for five years on TV station Canal 7 in the state of Barinas in southeast Venezuela, reported the National Association of Journalists of Caracas.