Reporters Without Borders (RSF in French) denounced destructive attacks on media outlets in Chile, forcing some to close, reported the Press and Society Institute (IPYS in Spanish) on Nov. 29.
After arguments from the National Federation of Journalists (Fenaj in Portuguese) and similar journalist groups, senators approved a bill to amend the Constitution that requires practicing journalists to have an advanced degree on Nov. 30.
The offices of the Peruvian newspaper El Sol de los Andes in the city of Huancayo, in central Peru, were attacked by a mob protesting the newspaper's publication of stories linking police with criminal groups, according to the newspaper Crónica Viva.
On Thursday, Dec. 1, WikiLeaks published its latest document trove: more than 287 files related to 160 intelligence contracting companies in 25 countries that "develop technologies to allow the tracking and monitoring of individuals by their mobile phones, email accounts and Internet browsing histories," reported AFP.
Freedom of expression organizations in Nicaragua protested the rumored sale of television station Canal 2 to the Mexican businessman Ángel González, who is also the owner of Canal 10--the most watched station in the Central American country--as well as channels 4, 9, and 11.
The Mexican Senate approved the decriminalization of slander and libel, reported the newspaper El Universal on Nov. 29.
A Nov. 25 cyber attack forced the weekly Mexican news site Ríodoce offline, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ). Ríodoce is one of the few publications that covers drug trafficking and organized crime in the northwestern city of Culiacán.
For the second time in just over a week, the Caracas offices of Public Space, a Venezuelan freedom of expression NGO, were attacked. On Nov. 26, electronic equipment donated after the Nov. 16 robbery was stolen.
Bolivian President Evo Morales proposed regulating the media and modifying the Press Law leading up to the Plurinational Summit, which will take place in December in the city of Cochabamba, reported the radio station FM Bolivia.
O site do semanário mexicano Ríodoce está fora do ar desde a sexta-feira 25 de novembro, após um ataque de hackers, informou o Comitê para a Proteção dos Jornalistas (CPJ). O Ríodoce é uma das poucas publicações que abordam o narcotráfico e o crime organizado na cidade de Culiacán e, em 2011, recebeu o Prêmio Maria Moors Cabot, da Universidade de Columbia, em Nova York. Além disso, na semana pasada, Javier Valdez, um de seus fundadores, recebeu o Prêmio Internacional de Liberdade de Expressão do CPJ.
Expiring statutes of limitations for journalists killed in Colombia is adding to the South American country's rampant impunity, according to Periodistas en Español (Journalists in Spanish).
O presidente da Bolívia, Evo Morales, propôs a regulação dos meios de comunicação e uma mudança na Lei de Imprensa como temas do Encontro Plurinacional, que será realizado em dezembro na cidade de Cochabamba, segundo a FM Bolivia.