
Reporters attacked by security guards in Mexico demand reparations

Mexican newspapers El Diario de Coahuila and El Heraldo de Saltillo criticized the private security business Serviprose, whose guards are accused of attacking and stealing from reporters in the northern city of Saltillo, for failing to comply with an agreement to pay damages.

The security guards stole from and beat reporters in a retail center as the journalists covered a robbery at a jewelry store on Dec. 15, according to the newspaper Vanguardia.

The guards sprayed reporters with tear gas, kicked them and stole their cameras, cell phones and other equipment, according to Periodistas en Línea. As a result, police arrested three security guards, but then released them when they agreed to pay reparations, Vanguardia added.

In an agreement with the prosecutor, the guards admitted to stealing the equipment, and agreed to pay roughly $3,588 in damages before Dec. 22, reported El Heraldo de Saltillo. However, that agreement has not been fulfilled and the security company could face sanctions if it is found to be in violation of its operating license, according to El Diario de Coahuila.