

Sesión en vivo de Kaja Negra, “Ante el racismo, reflexiones para desarticular prácticas e ideas colonialistas"

Covering racism in Latin American newsrooms goes beyond publishing about violence

This is part two of an article addressing racism and the coverage of racial violence in Latin American newsrooms. To read part one, click here.    Recent coverage of racism and racial violence in Latin America has drawn attention to not only the need for this coverage, but the need to have more Black and […]

BLM Protest

Latin American journalism joins global conversation on racism and diversity in newsrooms

In recent months, headlines in media outlets from Cuba to Brazil highlight the murders of Black and Indigenous men and youth, placing them in the context of a notorious case that had global repercussions.

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Join LatAm Journalism Review and IWMF in recognizing brave women journalists in Latin America and the Caribbean

The Knight Center's LatAm Journalism Review is once again calling on its community of readers and journalists to highlight the work of women journalists in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Congresso da Abraji

After virtual congress with 10,000 participants, Abraji evaluates hybrid model for the coming years

In addition to having a larger audience, the online model allowed the public to be more diverse, with the attendance of students, journalists and professors of various regions of the country, including people that maybe would not have had resources to travel to São Paulo. 

Women with tape over her mouth

Latin American journalists suffered 630 attacks during the first half of 2020

Between January and June of 2020, Voces del Sur, a Latin American initiative, registered 630 aggressions against the press in the region. These went on the rise or worsened after governments issued a health emergency.

Sede da rádio comunitária indígena La Voz de Talamanca 88.3 FM, em zona rural da Costa Rica. Foto: Divulgação

Indigenous media in Latin America intensify efforts to bring information about COVID-19 to communities and save lives

With the pandemic, indigenous media have gotten information about the disease to isolated communities, with little or no access to the internet.

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Celebrate women journalists in Latin America this October during IWMF’s #JournoHeroes campaign

“Female journalists today face unprecedented hardships for simply speaking truth to power,” the IWMF writes.

person writing in notebook and holding microphones

Review of Radio Televisión Martí says U.S. government-funded news service to Cuba disregards objective journalism for propaganda

An independent report found that news shows offered on U.S. government-funded Radio Televisión Martí, which produces news for and about Cuba, were “peppered with bad journalism” as well as being “ineffective propaganda.”

Newspapers bring printed

Mexican president denies releasing list of journalists and media who received government advertising

A list of 36 journalists who allegedly benefited from advertising contracts with the administration of former Mexican President Peña Nieto came from a citizen information request and was not disseminated by the presidency, according to current President