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What it's like working in Mexico, the deadliest country in the world for journalists

“Every time a reporter is killed, his or her death explodes in the hearts of the country’s other journalists — like an earthquake with expanding effect. It doesn’t matter whether they knew the victim or not. Each murder revives feelings of fear, terror, desperation, rage, and sadness that accumulate over time.  Every time a reporter is […]

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Argentina: FOPEA celebrates court ruling in favor of journalist Irene Benito

“The Argentine Journalism Forum (FOPEA, for its acronym in Spanish) celebrates the ruling of the Tucumán Courts that establishes that journalist Irene Benito was being unfairly criminalized. The ruling of the criminal judge Alicia Freidenberg dismisses the complaint filed by Alfredo Falú, a lawyer and public official who had been investigated by Benito and the […]

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Cuban authorities detain dissidents and journalists on 11J protest anniversary

"Activists, opponents and independent journalists have been besieged in their homes or detained in Cuba in the last hours on the first anniversary of 11J, the largest anti-government protest in decades. Some of them have denounced their situation on social media, in other cases, it has been NGOs that have made their cases public. News […]

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Brazilian federal police arrest suspect in the murder of journalist Dom Phillips

"Suspected of drug trafficking and illegal purchase of fish, Peruvian Rubens Villar Coelho, known as Colombia, was arrested this Thursday (July 7, 2022) when he presented himself to the Federal Police in Tabatinga (AM). He is singled out by the investigation of the murder of the Indigenous issues expert Bruno Pereira and journalist Dom Phillips […]

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Organizations demand Mexican State take action in face of increase in violence against press in Tamaulipas

"During the last two weeks ARTICLE 19, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), Propuesta Cívica and Reporters Without Borders (RSF) documented a series of attacks against journalists and media outlets in the state of Tamaulipas, highlighting a worrying increase in the violence experienced in the area. ... Three journalists, two reporters and a cameraman, whose […]

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Nicaragua: La Prensa workers who reported expulsion of 18 religious missionaries detained

"Two drivers for the Nicaraguan daily La Prensa were detained, while a photographer and a reporter covering the expulsion of a group of nuns were intimidated with police presence in their homes on Thursday, according to the newspaper's complaint. '[The] regime unleashed a persecution against its personnel,' according to the statement published by La Prensa on […]

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Argentina: La Nación awarded best digital journalism project in Latin America

[Argentine news outlet] "La Nación" won first prize in the category Best Digital Journalism Project in Latin America at the Digital Media Awards Latam 2022, an award granted by the World Association of News Publishers (WAN-IFRA). The special "A Fondo: Yeah, the neighborhood, drugs and luxury. This is what rappers (traperos) sound like and talk […]

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IAPA condemns kidnapping and extortion of journalists from América TV Peru

"The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) condemned the kidnapping and extortion of a group of journalists from América TV, Peru. They were forced to read a live statement as a condition for their release. The organization urged the authorities to investigate, identify the culprits and bring them to justice to prevent these acts from being […]

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Brazil: TV Gazeta boss accused of asking reporters to exchange nude photos for stories

"The manager of the sports department of TV Gazeta, Michelle Giannella, is accused of having asked reporters or producers to send half-naked photos to press secretaries or athletes in exchange for interviews. UOL heard two former employees who received the request on two occasions and five other people who were in meetings when this request […]

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Call for submissions - Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice in the Americas

"The International Women’s Media Foundation is pleased to provide grants to support reporting focused on reproductive rights in the U.S. and Latin America. These grants support reporting of untold stories surrounding issues that impact people’s daily lives in the region. A strong preference will be given to multimedia transnational reporting teams focusing on opposition to […]