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El Faro, El País, and La Silla Vacía win Premio Gabo awards for 2021

"The Gabo Foundation, an institution founded by journalist and Nobel Prize laurate in Literature, Gabriel García Márquez, announced the winners of the Premio Gabo 2021, the premier journalism award in Spanish and Portuguese, in its four contest categories: Text, Image, Coverage, and Innovation. 'Massacre in Tamaulipas. The American Dream dies in Mexico' and 'Beyond the […]

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CPJ honors Guatemalan journalist Anastasia Mejía Tiriquiz with press freedom award

"The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) paid tribute Thursday to brave journalists from Guatemala, Mozambique, and Myanmar by presenting them with CPJ’s 2021 International Press Freedom Awards (IPFA) in New York. (...) The awardees recognized at the event included Mozambican investigative journalist Matías Guente, Guatemalan radio journalist Anastasia Mejía Tiriquiz, and Myanmar journalist and Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) founder Aye Chan […]

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Peru condemns former Fujimori adviser for abducting journalist Gustavo Gorriti

"On Nov. 18, the Peruvian judiciary added another sentence to Vladimiro Montesinos, the former spy chief of former President Alberto Fujimori, for abducting a renowned journalist in 1992 during the shut-down of Congress and the suspension of democracy. The sentence of 17 years in prison will be added to the more than 30 sentences for […]

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Nicaragua: Sandinistas tag the house of journalist Elba Ileana Molina, threatening to shoot her

"The house of journalist Elba Ileana Molina, Channel 10 correspondent in Carazo, was tagged overnight with threatening and intimidating messages, presumably left by Sandinista fanatics, as has happened in other instances. Sheltered in the darkness of night, fans of the regime arrived at the journalist's home at dawn on Nov. 18 and wrote the word 'lead.' […]

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Brazil: Lupa launches fact-checking training program focused on 2022 electoral coverage

Agência Lupa [from Brazil] has just launched the Mirante training program. Registrations are open until Nov. 28. The training in fact-checking and media education is focused on the 2022 electoral coverage Brazil. The program is open to students and professionals from all areas who have an interest in building solutions to combat disinformation by exploring […]

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In Argentina, two journalists denounced they were victims of sexual abuse while covering elections in Tucumán

"Two Argentine journalists denounced that during the coverage of elections in the Government House of the province of Tucumán they were victims of sexual abuse. According to the accounts, the first attack occurred on Sept. 12 during the Simultaneous and Mandatory Open Primaries and the second, on Nov. 14. One of the affected is Carolina […]

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Mexican journalist Lydia Cacho gets Spanish nationality due to danger of death in her country

"Mexican journalist Lydia Cacho is now also Spanish. This Tuesday [Nov. 16], the Council of Ministers of the European country has granted nationality by naturalization to the writer and social activist 'due to the obvious risk to her life' for which she is residing in Madrid with a temporary authorization. 'Her personal situation is vulnerable, […]

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IPYS rejects request to seize property of Peruvian journalist Christopher Acosta

"A judge's order from Peruvian businessman and politician César Acuña Peralta negotiates the seizure of the assets of investigative journalist Christopher Acosta Alfaro. The action requests that Acosta report assets in his possession, with which the payment of civil damages that Acuña demands for the alleged crime of aggravated defamation is guaranteed. The complaint is […]

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Three new cases of judicial harassment against journalists in Colombia emerge in less than a week: FLIP

“Judicial harassment continues to consolidate as a tool to silence the press. In the last two months, [Foundation for Press Freedom in Colombia] has registered 14 cases of judicial harassment towards media and journalists that investigate topics of high public interest such as pedophilia within the Catholic Church, the health system, the activities of senators […]

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El 9 Festival Gabo inicia hoy y se realiza hasta el 20 de noviembre

"La fiesta más importante de la ciudadanía, el periodismo y la cultura, el Festival Gabo, se celebrará este año del 15 al 20 de noviembre. El evento es organizado por la Fundación Gabo, creada por el periodista y Premio Nobel de Literatura Gabriel García Márquez, y ofrece en su programación talleres, clases magistrales y charlas […]