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9th Gabo Festival begins today and runs until Nov. 20

"The most important festival of citizenship, journalism and culture, the Gabo Festival, will be held this year from Nov. 15 to 20. The event is organized by the Gabo Foundation, created by the journalist and Nobel Prize winner for Literature Gabriel García Márquez, and offers workshops, master classes and talks for all curious minds in […]

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Mexico: three arrested for murder of journalist Jacinto; one is councilor elect

"The Ministerial Police arrested three people allegedly involved in the crime against Jacinto Romero, a journalist from Veracruz. He was shot dead in the Ixtaczoquitlán municipality on August 19 of this year. One of those arrested, Roberto "N," is councilor elect of the Morena party in this municipality, according to authorities. The State Attorney General's Office […]

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More than 350 journalists are on strike in São Paulo, union says

"More than 350 journalists folded their arms for two hours this Wednesday afternoon (Nov. 10). The protest claims the 8.9% readjustment in all salaries in the Salary Campaign of Newspapers and Magazines in the Capital. The index represents inflation of the campaign period, from June 1, 2020 to May 31, 2021." Read original release (in […]

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Periodistas latinoamericanos entre los nominados al Premio RSF a la Libertad de Prensa 2021

“El Premio Reporteros sin Fronteras a la Libertad de Prensa 2021 se entregará el próximo 18 de noviembre. Periodistas y medios procedentes de 11 países están nominados en tres categorías: coraje, impacto e independencia periodística.” El semanario nicaragüense Confidencial está nominado al Premio al Coraje; el Proyecto Pegasus, en el que trabajaron Aristegui Noticias y […]

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U.S. court orders criminal investigation of journalists who published photos of Alex Saab

"On Wednesday [Nov. 10], the court that is handling the case of Alex Saab ordered the federal prosecutor's office in Miami to open a criminal investigation of the media and journalists, most of them Venezuelans, who published photos of the last hearing of the alleged front man of Nicolás Maduro despite to the express prohibition […]

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Reporter's car and house shot in Hidalgo, Mexico

"Director and owner of the media outlet Presencia Hidalguense, Beatriz Flores, publicly denounced that her house and her car were shot at dawn. ... She explained that she had previously been threatened for publishing an article related to cattle theft, so she had been warned that failure to remove the post would have consequences." Read […]

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Independent press denounces attacks during electoral process in Nicaragua

"The organization Periodistas y Comunicadores Independientes de Nicaragua (PCIN) denounced this Wednesday [Nov. 10] that it recorded 52 attacks against the press during the electoral process that culminated on Sunday with the re-election of President Daniel Ortega for a fourth consecutive term. Between Oct. 25 and Nov. 7, voting day, there were '52 attacks, of […]

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In El Salvador, Bukele promotes Foreign Agents Law

"The Minister of the Interior of El Salvador, Juan Carlos Bidegain, presented before the Legislative Assembly this Tuesday [Nov. 9] an initiative of the Law of Foreign Agents, similar to the one approved by the dictatorship of Daniel Ortega [of Nicaragua], in which President Nayib Bukele seeks to 'regulate' the donations or financing that different […]

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Latin American journalists among nominees for 2021 RSF Press Freedom Awards

"Reporters Without Borders (RSF, for its acronym in French) is unveiling the nominees for the 2021 RSF Press Freedom Awards, which will be awarded on 18 November. Journalists and media outlets from 11 countries have been nominated for the awards that will be given in three categories – journalistic courage, impact and independence." Nicaraguan weekly […]

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Journalists covering strike in Bolivia are attacked

"Unknown persons threw an explosive device against a group of journalists who were covering the first day of the strike in the main square of Potosí, reported Dilver Soria, who was slightly harmed by the explosion of the device. Soria, who is a journalist for the Pio XII network, said that he and other reporters […]