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Mexico arrests suspect in Pegasus espionage case

"The Mexican Attorney General reported on Monday [Nov. 8] the arrest and the beginning of the criminal process against a person allegedly involved in the espionage of a journalist with the Pegasus malware, a program of the firm NSO Group that was used to spy on communicators, human rights activists and political dissidents in 50 […]

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Peru: Public prosecutor opens criminal investigation of OjoPúblico journalist for publishing audios in Lava Jato case

"The Public Prosecutor's Office opened an investigation against journalist Ernesto Cabral Mejía of OjoPúblico, for committing the alleged crime of unlawful disclosure, punishable by up to six years in prison. This was after 2019 when this news outlet and The Intercept Brasil revealed a series of [alleged] irregular dealings between the defendant for money laundering and […]

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Article 19 obtains new information about Juan Nelcio’s cause of death allegedly as due to torture by state authorities in Mexico

"On August 21, 2020, Juan Nelcio Espinoza Menera, independent journalist and founder of the online media site El Valedor TV, died while in custody by Fuerza Única, in Piedras Negras, state of Coahuila, Mexico. According to initial reports by state authorities, his death was unrelated to these security forces and, when he had difficulty breathing, he […]

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Bolivia: Journalists march in Santa Cruz after kidnapping case

"Journalists associations in the easter district of Santa Cruz, Bolivia, protested this Thursday (04.11.2021) demanding justice, 'no impunity' and a speedy investigation into the kidnapping and torture of seven media workers, which they suffered while covering a story. The march—led by the Journalists Association of Santa Cruz, the Print News Workers Union of that district […]

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Nicaraguan journalism, squeezed between the 'laws of silence' and 'exile'

"For the past five months, Alvaro Navarro has been sitting before his computer keyboard with extra care. Never, not even when he started out as a keen reporter and then as news director for the news site Artículo 66, did he have to 'fret over' each word he types. Since last June, the situation for him […]

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Nicaraguan police detain journalists Mileydi Trujillo and Elvin Martínez during electoral coverage

“Journalists Mileydi Trujillo and Elvin Martínez were detained on the morning of this Sunday, Nov. 7, by agents of the regime's police force when the reporters were covering the questioned elections of Daniel Ortega. The reporters, from media page ‘Masaya al día,' were in a taxi near the San Jerónimo roundabout, at the entrance to […]

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Nicaragua prohibits entry of Washington Post correspondent who was going to cover elections

"The Ortega regime denied entry to the country to journalist Mary Beth Sheridan, Mexico and Central America correspondent for The Washington Post, who intended to cover the general elections on Sunday, Nov. 7. According to the journalist's account, this Thursday [Nov. 4] she arrived at Mexico's International Airport with ticket in hand, ready to travel […]

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Public servants work to fuel Bolsonaro's 'personal account' on social media

"The Prosecutor General of the Republic, Augusto Aras, spoke out on Oct. 28, 2021 against the campaign of the Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji) which asks for President Jair Bolsonaro to unblock 65 journalists on Twitter. Aras claims that Bolsonaro's posts on the social network 'have no official character.' However, four advisors from the […]

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Groups repudiate threats to Brazilian journalist that came after he reported on police operation

"The Union of Professional Journalists in the State of São Paulo (SJSP, for its acronym in Portuguese) and the National Federation of Journalists (FENAJ) demand strong and immediate action regarding the situation of journalist Marcelo Hailer, who has received numerous threats in recent days after the publication of the article "Massacre: Police operation in Minas […]

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Bolsonaro harasses journalists in Rome, security attacks reporters

“At the end of the G20 summit, while other leaders were giving press conferences, President Jair Bolsonaro went out to meet supporters near the Brazilian embassy, in the center of Rome. The president was hostile to journalists. And the security guards around him were violent with those who tried to ask questions. When asking why […]