"On July 7, at about 6 p.m., agents with the Chilean Investigative Police shot rubber bullets at [journalists Vicente Rojas López and Felipe García] while they were covering the funeral procession of activist Luisa Toledo Sepúlveda as it passed in front of the Investigative Police headquarters in Santiago, the capital, hitting García in the face […]
"A journalist from Moju, northeastern Pará, was shot at on Friday night (July 9). According to residents, two suspects shot at least seven times at the victim, who was reportedly shot in the chest and face on his way home, after attending an Adventist church service. He was taken to Belém, where he must receive […]
"The government of Nayib Bukele denied a work permit to American journalist, Roman Olivier Gressier, a member of El Faro. The news was published on the social networks of the media outlet, which said that in a week, two foreign journalists have received similar refusals 'under questionable grounds.' Last week, Mexican editor Daniel Lizárraga was […]
"The repressive forces of the Cuban regime, in their eagerness to contain the popular demonstrations that take place in about thirty localities, also charge against reporters and photographers from the international press. Associated Press (AP) photojournalist Ramón Espinosa was one of the most affected. An image of Adalberto Roque, from AFP, shows him with a […]
"The 2021 Global Investigative Journalism Conference is this November 1-5, and for the first time, we’re doing it all online. The conference is the seminal international event in investigative journalism, featuring practical panels and workshops on the latest investigative techniques, data analysis, online research, cross-border collaboration, and more by the best journalists in the field. […]
"Late Friday afternoon (July 9), President Jair Bolsonaro's lawyer, Frederick Wassef, sent a message to this columnist's Whatsapp attacking her personally and telling her, among other things, to move to China. 'Do what you do here at work, to see what the wonderful political system you love so much would do to you. Back in […]
"Reporter Lucas Lobo, correspondent for Rede Amazônica in Humaitá, was attacked by former mayor Herivâneo Seixas, this Thursday (July 8). The professional registered a police report. The attack took place on the street, in front of a store owned by the former mayor. The reporter sought out Oliveira to comment on the investigation by the […]
"It's a very good time for investigative journalism in Mexico, in terms of the capacity we've built and because we’ve started this strategy of looking for and working with allies. How stories are being disseminated is changing and that’s exciting. We are now capable of accomplishing more complex investigations that would otherwise not see the […]
"Four photojournalists denounced having been attacked by a military police officer and by security guards from ViaQuatro, the concessionaire responsible for the operation and maintenance of Line 4-Yellow of the subway, while covering the demonstration against President Jair Bolsonaro in São Paulo. Paulo, last Saturday, July 3, 2021." Read original article (in Portuguese)
"Deputy inspector Martínez Velásquez hit journalist Jorge Beltrán Luna while the latter was covering the recovery of the body of a student killed in Apopa on Tuesday [July 6] by gang members, the journalist denounced on Twitter. 'Today I have been attacked with a slap by deputy inspector Martínez Velásquez,' is part of what Beltrán […]
"A survey conducted by the Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji) shows that in addition to blocking 69 journalists, President Jair Bolsonaro's Twitter account has already vetoed six media outlets. For specialists heard by Abraji, the new strategy signals a clear impediment to the work of press professionals and a discriminatory act. According to Abraji's […]
"Journalist Jhony Urgiles and cameraman Diego Vélez were broadcasting live the newscast of the digital media outlet DulzuraTV on June 28 when they were assaulted and verbally and physically attacked by two individuals who entered the channel's facilities in the province of Cañar, in the Ecuadorian sierra. After seven at night, when they had presented […]