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Brasil: homens invadem estúdio e ameaçam agredir radialista que criticou Bolsonaro

"Quatro homens, que não tiveram identidade revelada, invadiram um estúdio de rádio localizado no município de Santa Cruz do Capibaribe, no Agreste de Pernambuco, na noite desta terça-feira (6). Na ocasião, os homens, que se declaram apoiadores do presidente Jair Bolsonaro (sem partido), ameaçaram agredir o radialista Júnior Albuquerque, depois que ele fez críticas à […]

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Bolivian radio journalist Franklin Guzmán Zambrana assaulted, robbed while covering protest

"On March 30, near the village of Santa Bárbara, about five miles northeast of the capital, La Paz, a group of truck drivers abducted, assaulted, and robbed Guzmán, a freelance reporter on assignment for the privately owned broadcaster Radio FM Bolivia, according to Guzmán and Radio FM Bolivia news director Galo Hubner, both of whom […]

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Colombian Supreme Court reverses decision and now journalist Vicky Dávila will have to compensate official

“Although last February, the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice [of Colombia] had freed journalist Vicky Dávila, as well as TV network RCN, from having to pay compensation in favor of retired colonel Jorge Hilario Estupiñán, now the Civil Chamber of the high court reversed that decision and left the reparation order intact […]

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Chile's CIPER reveals document showing how Army deceived Court of Appeals to spy on journalist Mauricio Weibel

"In 2017, the National Army Intelligence Directorate (DINE, for its acronym in Spanish) asked the Minister of the Court of Appeals, Juan Poblete, to authorize the telephone tapping of a foreign agent who was looking for 'strategic antecedents about the Chilean Army.' The magistrate approved it, without knowing that the cell phone number written in […]

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Five years later, Panama Papers still having a big impact

“Five years ago today, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists and more than 100 media partners around the globe began publishing an investigation that would become a byword for exposing financial chicanery and political corruption: The Panama Papers. […] Just as Watergate became both a landmark in the history of journalism and a shorthand for […]

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Journalist from El Salvador's Revista Factum receives death threat

"After a report in which the elected mayor (of the party Nuevas Ideas) of Conchagua, in La Unión, is questioned, a journalist from Revista Factum, Bryan Avelar, was threatened with death by a user on social networks. The Salvadoran Association of Journalists (APES, for its acronym in Spanish) denounced the incident and stated that the […]

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Venezuelan journalists detained for 24 hours while reporting in conflict zone

Updated entry: "However, this Thursday [April 1] Venezuelan journalists Luis Gonzalo Pérez and Rafael Hernández were released, more than 24 hours after they were detained. The alarms went off at night, after having lost communication with all of them. After more than 20 hours without communication, the National Union of Press Workers (SNTP, for its […]

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Guatemalan journalists denounce new surveillance and attacks against them

"Guatemalan investigative journalists Sonny Figueroa and Marvin del Cid denounced on Wednesday [March 31] that they had been the object of surveillance and attacks against them and one of them even said the National Civil Police (PNC, for its acronym in Spanish) held him near his home, without explanation. It is not the first time […]

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CNP: Reform of Ley Resorte in Venezuela would legitimize censorship in media and social networks

"The [Venezuelan] National Assembly reported this Monday [March 29] that the Communication Commission was debating the Law of Social Responsibility in Radio and Television and Electronic Media, better known as the Ley Resorte. 'The National Association of Journalists (CNP, for its acronym in Spanish) has not received any information on the bill to change the […]

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Peruvian journalist reports death threats and harassment after denouncing mismanagement by local authorities

"Journalist Carlos Alberto Tafur Grandez, of the program Señal Informativa Digital, of Radio Stereo G 96.5, has received death threats after revealing irregularities in the district municipalities of Huambos, Longar and the provincial municipality of Rodríguez de Mendoza, in the Amazon region. As the journalist pointed out to the Human Rights Office of the National […]