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Peru: IPYS, ANP and Journalists' Association condemn aggression against the press during demonstration

"Once again, aggressions against the press were registered in the marches against the Executive Power [in Lima, Peru]. This time [July 19], those affected were a reporter and a cameraman belonging to Panamericana TV. In addition to insults, journalist Tifanny Tipiani was kicked and cameraman Gustavo Castro fell victim to the theft of one of […]

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For the first time, IACHR hears from civil society on 'judicial harassment' against journalists in Latin America

"Journalistic organizations in Latin America denounced this week before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) the advance of 'judicial harassment' (SLAPPS) against journalists as a new form of censorship and the creation of fear in the press. In an unprecedented session chaired by Commissioner Esmeralda Arosemana de Troitiño, the entities presented concrete cases of […]

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IAPA warns of ruling in Panama ordering seizure of publishing group

"The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) remains alert to a conviction in Panama that provides for the seizure of the offices of Grupo Editorial Panamá América S.A. (EPASA), a conglomerate that publishes three newspapers. The organization will remain vigilant in view of the possible implications for press freedom that could result from its seizure. [...] […]

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Prisoners Defenders organization defends Cuban journalist Camila Acosta

"Cuba's dictatorship has not let up its persecution and harassment against journalist Camila Acosta, Cuban correspondent for the Spanish newspaper ABC. Recently on state television, the regime broadcast a conversation (previously manipulated) to defame the journalist. This fact has been denounced by the NGO Prisoners Defenders. Regarding this recent event, the NGO made its position […]

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'Any of us could be next,' say Mexican journalists after Nelson Matus' murder

"Dozens of journalists led a demonstration in the port city of Acapulco, in the Mexican state of Guerrero, to demand that state and federal authorities solve the crime of the shooting death of journalist Nelson Matus in that city on Saturday [July 15]. Press workers gathered this Monday [17 July] and blocked the main avenue […]

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Congresso em Foco news site withdraws interview of former wife of Brazil's congressman, following a court order

"Judge Jayder Ramos de Araújo, of the 10th Civil Court of Brasilia, ordered the removal of an interview with Julyenne Lins Rocha, ex-wife of the House of Representatives president, Congressman Arthur Lira, by [news website] Congresso em Foco. The decision, which was issued as a preliminary injunction, was in response to a request by Lira […]

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Reporter Nelson Matus is shot to death in Acapulco, Mexico

"Crime reporter Nelson Matus Peña, 42, was shot to death Saturday afternoon [July 15] in Acapulco, Mexico. Matus Peña was the editor of the news portal Lo Real de Guerrero. He was also a photojournalist for the now defunct Revista Alarma, the newspaper El Alarmante and the news platform Agora Guerrero. [...] Matus is the […]

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Application open for the sixth edition of the Mercosur Science Journalism and Popularization Award

"The National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT, by its Spanish acronym) announces the sixth edition of the MERCOSUR Science Dissemination and Journalism Award with the support of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), as an initiative of the MERCOSUR Specialized Meeting on Science and Technology (RECYT). This call is aimed at […]

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Journalist denounces threat from businessman charged with drug trafficking in Dominican Republic

"Dominican lawyer and journalist Pedro Jiménez denounced this Wednesday [12 July] having received threats from Miguel Arturo López (alias Micky), listed in a drug trafficking file, as does his wife, the deputy for the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM, by its Spanish acronym), Rosa Amalia Pilarte. Through the radio program 'El Sol de la Mañana', Jiménez […]

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Former police commander arrested for torturing Mexican journalist Lydia Cacho in 2005

"The Attorney General's Office (FGR, by its Spanish acronym) [of Mexico] announced this Thursday [July 13] the arrest of Adolfo Karam Beltrán, former director of the Judicial Police of the state of Puebla, for the crime of torture against Mexican journalist Lydia Cacho in 2005, after she published an investigation. The Attorney General's Office, through […]