
Press Freedom

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IACHR to hold new public hearings on human rights in Latin America

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) will hold its 178th Period of Sessions, which will take place virtually from December 3 to 15. IACHR will hold these meetings “with civil society to receive information on the human rights situation in the countries of the región.” On December 3, the Association of Journalists of El […]

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Within Alejandro Giammattei’s first year of presidency, Guatemala has registered more than 100 attacks against the press

“The Association of Journalists of Guatemala (APG) registered 124 attacks against the press in the first 11 months of the administration of President Alejandro Giammattei, who took office on January 14. The majority of the complaints registered by the APG have been “obstruction of the source,” with 31 cases; while 20 journalists have indicated that […]

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Channel 12 of Nicaragua is one step away from being auctioned off; they denounce that Ortega’s channels are immune to the Tax Directorate

“Judge Silvia Elena Chica Larios, head of the Fourth Civil District Court of Managua, did not accept the evidence offered by the Nicavisión SA company, which operates the media communications of Channel 12, in rejection of a second fiscal objection of seven million cordobas [about US $ 200 thousand] imposed by the General Directorate of […]

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Organizations and unions of journalists in Ecuador reject the judicialization of journalism

"Organizations and unions of journalists in Ecuador on Saturday [Nov. 21] expressed their concern over the recent court ruling against journalist Juan Sarmiento that ordered his imprisonment, after the governor of the province of Napo, Jorge Espíndola, sued him for criticizing his management. [...] The concern was given because Espíndola sued Sarmiento after [the journalist] […]

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Ortega media enrich his family, entrench his hold on Nicaragua

"Family-run media spread state propaganda while Ortega uses state spending and tax laws to squeeze rival outlets. Documents reviewed by Reuters show millions in state advertising at family broadcasters even as those channels dodge taxes." Read original article

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'Wave of arrests' of journalists, human rights defenders and dissident artists reported in Cuba

“In the last 48 hours, agents of the State Security of the Ministry of the Interior of Cuba (Minint), a feared apparatus that acts as political police of the communist regime of Havana, unleashed a wave of arrests of opponents and human rights activists, sources of Cuban dissidence denounced today. The arrests were recorded as […]

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Brazilian prosecutor sues and encourages actions against fact-checking agency

"Federal prosecutor Ailton Benedito, former secretary of Human Rights and Collective Defense of the Federal Public Ministry (MPF), announced on his social networks that he is suing the fact-checking agency Aos Fatos. Ailton, who declares himself to be conservative and is aligned with Bolsonaro, was pointed out by the fact-checking site as one of the […]

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AMLO asks for investigation of Mexicans Against Corruption; 'We do not operate in secrecy,' it responds

"Mexicans Against Corruption and Impunity (MCCI) responded, through a statement, that the organization does not operate in secrecy and that its financing comes from donations that are reported to the tax authorities. The foregoing, after President Andrés Manuel López Obrador warned in his morning press conference that financial support for the organization, which he said […]

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Salvadoran government uses public resources to attack journalists, report concludes

“The special commission that carried out the investigation of the harassment of journalists concluded, after 15 working meetings and having listened to 26 communicators and entities, that some independent media and journalists are being harassed by the Government, which makes use of public resources to attack and threaten. [...] The report indicates that both the […]

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Guatemalan journalists protest against criminalization and censorship

"A score of Guatemalan journalists spoke out this Tuesday in front of the public prosecutor's office against the criminalization and censorship of their profession, such as the criminal prosecution of their Indigenous K'iche' colleague Anastasia Mejía Tiriquiz. [...] Last Wednesday, a Guatemalan judge in the north of the country processed Indigenous journalist Anastasia Mejía Tiriquiz […]

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IFEX-ALC condemns the arbitrary detention of journalists Miriam Grizel and Cesario Padilla, members of the C-Libre team

"The IFEX-ALC network condemns the arbitrary detention of journalists Miriam Grizel and Cesario Padilla, members of the team at the Committee for Freedom of Expression (C-Libre) that occurred on Nov. 2 in Tegucigalpa, Honduras and calls on national authorities to respect and guarantee the right to freedom of expression and the work of journalists and […]