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In 2020, 13 countries reported 3,350 attacks against journalists and media: Voces del Sur

"The Voces del Sur (VDS) network presented the Shadow Report 2020  that compiles alerts related to violations of freedom of expression, freedom of the press and access to information that occurred in 13 Latin American countries: Argentina , Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. [...] The regional results […]

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Colombia's FLIP asks for journalists to be allowed to enter Congress

“Since the pandemic began, the media has been banished from the national capitol. […] It is assumed that the session of this July 20, in which the legislature will be installed, will be completely face-to-face due to the fact that the election of the presidency of both chambers will be held, but again the media […]

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Colombian writer and journalist Germán Castro Caycedo dies at 81

"Born in Zipaquirá on March 3, 1940, Germán Castro Caycedo was a Colombian writer and cronista. His works stood out around the world thanks to the testimonies about the reality of Colombia. As reported by Noticias Caracol, the journalist died in his house due to a fight against cancer and it was his wife who […]

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Three police officers suspended after attacking journalists covering protests in Bogotá

"Three agents of the Mobile Anti-Riot Squad (Esmad, for its acronym in Spanish) of the Colombian Police were suspended from their positions for attacking two journalists and a young man this Tuesday (06.29.2021) during a protest in Bogotá, authorities reported. The attack went viral on social networks thanks to a video where three riot police […]

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Four journalists threatened with death in Córdoba, Colombia

"The Ombudsman's Office and the Montería Journalists' Circle rejected the threats against journalists Rafael Gómez, Édgar Astudillo, Organis Cuadrado and Rafael Moreno, who have been covering news about public order in Alto Sinú and San Jorge, where there are presence of groups outside the law. Rafael Gómez and Édgar Astudillo were threatened with death through […]

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Colombian journalist Pincen Mora survives shooting attempt at home in Medellín

"On June 8, at about 5 p.m., a group of eight unidentified men on motorcycles stopped at the home and office of [Pincen] Mora, editor of the independent Facebook-based local news outlet Extrema Noticias, in the city of Medellín, and demanded he come outside and speak with them, according to news reports and the journalist, […]

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Abductor of Ecuadorian journalists from newspaper El Comercio sentenced to prison in Colombia

“The Office of the Attorney General of the Nation [Colombia] obtained a 28-year prison sentence against Gustavo Angulo Arboleda, alias 'Cherry,' for his participation in the abduction and custody of a journalistic team from newspaper El Comercio of Ecuador, whom were later assassinated in events that occurred between March and April 2018. According to the […]

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Supreme Court confirmed sentence of alias el 'Loco' for the murder of Colombian journalist

"The Supreme Court of Justice confirmed the sentence of 47 years, 2 months and 6 days in prison against Juan Camilo Ortiz, as the author of the murder of journalist Flor Alba Núñez Vargas, which occurred at noon on Sept. 10, 2015 at the door of the station where she worked, in the municipality of […]

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FLIP rejects threats to withdraw advertising resources from Colombian media: 'blackmail that attacks journalistic independence'

"The [Colombian] Foundation for Press Freedom (FLIP, for its acronym in Spanish) rejects that congress members and political and business sectors threaten to use official advertising resources with the purpose of controlling the media narrative. This practice of instrumentalization of public money to control debate and favor discourse is a clear and direct blackmail that […]

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Organizations observe recent escalation in use of force against press in Colombia with great concern

"We address you from IFEX-ALC, a network made up of 24 organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean that in turn is part of IFEX, a global network that defends and promotes freedom of expression and information; together with IFEX member organizations , the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) and Reporters Without Borders (RSF). The […]

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One dead and one injured after attack on journalist William Gutiérrez in Colombia

"Authorities are investigating the attack on journalist William Eduardo Gutiérrez Ordóñez, owner director of the community radio station Alfa Estéreo, when he was on his way to his workplace. The incident occurred when three unknown persons -two men and a woman- who were driving a motorcycle attacked the car in which the journalist was traveling […]

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RSF and FLIP warn of attack on press freedom during social protests in Colombia

"Reporters Without Borders and the Foundation for Press Freedom [of Colombia] warn that there is an imminent risk of self-censorship of those covering the protests due to the escalation of excessive use of police force against journalists, which gives clear indications of the intentionality of the attacks and their systematic nature, without there being a […]