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Honduran journalist criminally charged over reporting on Indigenous evictions

“On May 22, Juan Argueta, a landowner in the municipality of San Jose, filed a criminal complaint against [journalist Sonia] Pérez, a correspondent for the local broadcaster Radio Progreso, accusing her of trespassing and damage to private property, according to news reports, a report by Radio Progreso, and the journalist, who spoke to CPJ via […]

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Honduran College of Journalists denounces smear campaign against journalists

"The Honduran College of Journalists (CPH) made a statement on June 23rd through its Twitter account, after a group of journalists were called as witnesses and now they want to prosecute them. This refers to the Specialized Prosecution Unit Against Corruption Networks (Uferco) who summoned a number of journalists as witnesses to investigate a case […]

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Honduran journalist wounded by a gunshot dies, the fourth so far in 2022

"Violence against the press in Honduras has claimed the life of journalist Ricardo Alcides Ávila, reported the Committee for Freedom of Expression (C-Libre). According to the organization, the journalist died on Sunday in Honduras a few days after being shot, making him the fourth journalist to be killed this year and the 97th since 2001. […]

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IAPA condemns recent murders of three journalists in Mexico and Honduras

"The Inter-American Press Association asked the Mexican and Honduran authorities to quickly and thoroughly investigate the motives behind the murders of three reporters in recent days. The organization reiterated its complaint about the lack of efficiency of the protection and safety mechanisms for journalists. IAPA's president Jorge Canahuati expressed his condolences to the families and […]

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IACHR Condemns Murder of Honduran Indigenous Leader and Journalist

"The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and its Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression (RELE) condemn the murder of the Lenca indigenous leader and community journalist Pablo Isabel Hernández Rivera in Honduras. It urges the State of Honduras to investigate the events in a prompt and diligent manner. Likewise, it asks […]

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Another edition of ForoCap is back, organized by Salvadoran media outlet El Faro

From Nov. 4 to 11, the series of conferences, events and journalistic workshops ForoCap 2021 will be held. They are organized by the investigative journalism site El Faro, from El Salvador. In this edition the events will be held from 3 countries, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, with face-to-face and virtual access. "You will be […]

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Association of community media of Honduras demands delivery of radio frequencies and denounces persecution

"The Community Media Association of Honduras (AMCH) demanded the National Telecommunications Commission (CONATEL) to assign radio frequencies and denounced the 'systematic persecution' of the organization to shut down its media. 'For many months we have experienced surveillance and monitoring by CONATEL, which constitutes a systematic persecution with a view on closing our media, which are […]

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Call for professionalization of media in Mexico, Honduras, Bolivia and Venezuela

"The Consortium to Support Independent Journalism in the Region (CAPIR, for its acronym in Spanish) calls on independent media from Mexico, Honduras, Bolivia and Venezuela to participate in the Initiative for Integral Media Development (IMDI), which seeks to strengthen the institutional capacity of independent media to protect their journalists, increase the reach of their audience […]

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In 2020, 13 countries reported 3,350 attacks against journalists and media: Voces del Sur

"The Voces del Sur (VDS) network presented the Shadow Report 2020  that compiles alerts related to violations of freedom of expression, freedom of the press and access to information that occurred in 13 Latin American countries: Argentina , Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. [...] The regional results […]

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U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detains Honduran journalist fleeing violence

"The freedom of expression organization of Honduras C-Libre reported that journalist and human rights activist Thirzia Galeas was detained at the Atlanta airport while requesting political asylum. Sunday [May] 23, Galeas entered the country with her tourist visa and asked for asylum upon arrival due to the persecution suffered by her organization. Her family and […]

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RSF begins research into mechanisms for protecting journalists in Latin America

“With the support of UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation), Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has begun evaluating the implementation and effectiveness of mechanisms for protecting journalists in four Latin American countries, with the aim of helping to improve such mechanisms throughout the region. Nearly 80% of the murders of journalists in Latin […]

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Consortium opens call for investigative journalism projects in Honduras

“The Consortium to support Regional Journalism in Latin America (CAPIR, for its acronym in Spanish) calls on local independent media and independent freelance journalists in Honduras to participate in a national or local investigative journalism project which will be carried out between March and October 2021." Read more (in Spanish)