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Nicaragua: Daniel Ortega's regime plans to use La Prensa's facilities to disseminate propaganda, IAPA warns

"The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) expressed concern over the new improper, illegal, and unconstitutional use of the presses and facilities stolen from the newspaper La Prensa by the Daniel Ortega regime of Nicaragua. The organization warned that the government plans to use the newspaper's presses and facilities to open an official media outlet to […]

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IACHR extends precautionary measures in favor of journalist Katya Milady Reyes Ortiz in Nicaragua

"The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) adopted, on Nov. 15, 2022, Resolution 64/2022 by which it extended the precautionary measures in favor of journalist Katya Milady Reyes Ortiz, after considering that she is in a serious and urgent situation given the risk of irreparable harm to her rights to life and personal integrity in […]

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Nicaraguan justice accuses journalist of La Prensa newspaper and three other employees of 'conspiracy'

"The Nicaraguan justice system accused four workers of the newspaper La Prensa - whose entire editorial staff went into exile three months ago - of the alleged crime of 'conspiracy to undermine national integrity.' The news outlet reported on Mon. Sept. 3 that among the accused are two of the newspaper's drivers, who were arrested […]

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Nicaragua: IACHR grants precautionary measures to La Prensa newspaper's manager and his family

"The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) issued the Resolution 49/2022 on Sept. 29, 2022, by which it granted precautionary measures to Juan Lorenzo Holmann Chamorro and his close family, after deeming that they are in a serious and urgent situation of risk of irreparable harm to their rights in Nicaragua. According to the petitioning […]

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Nicaraguan government removes CNN en Español from the air

"The Nicaraguan government took CNN en Español off the air Thurs. Sept. 22 at 12:07 a.m. ET, 10:07 p.m. Wed. in the Central American country. (...) CNN issued a statement on the off-airing of its signal in Nicaragua: 'At CNN en Español we believe in the vital role that freedom of the press plays in […]

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Daniel Ortega's war against journalism: 54 media outlets have been shut down

"On International Journalists' Day, the forced closures of media outlets, raids, confiscations and arrests of journalists in Nicaragua keep the national press and the international community on edge, while the country is the scene of a war by Daniel Ortega and [his wife] Rosario Murillo against freedom of the press and freedom of expression. (...) […]

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Nicaragua: Police under Ortega seize Radio Vos headquarters in Matagalpa, one month after station was canceled by the regime

"Daniel Ortega's regime continues its repressive escalation against radio and media outlets in Matagalpa, Nicaragua. This time the police under Ortega invaded the facilities of Radio Vos, which is a feminist news outlet, another sector under constant attack and repression by the regime. The web page of Radio Vos informed this Tues., Sept. 6, that […]

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Nicaragua's La Prensa newspaper denounces confiscation and dismantling of its building

"The newspaper La Prensa reported on Monday in its digital edition that the Nicaraguan government has completed the 'de facto confiscation' of its movable and immovable properties, whose value, according to the newspaper, reaches an amount close to US$ 10 million. According to the report, construction work is progressing inside the newspaper's former building, without […]

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Ortega closes three more radio stations in Nicaragua, bringing the total to 13 in August

"The government of President Daniel Ortega, through the Nicaraguan Institute of Telecommunications and Posts (Telcor, by its Spanish acronym), cancelled the broadcasting license of three more radio stations (...) With the closure of these three radio stations, 13 radio stations have been closed so far in August, most of them located in the north of […]

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Central America and its 'anti-media rhetoric,' a hostile land for press freedom

"Central America has never been known for its commitment to freedom of the press, but in recent months there have been more and more cases of imprisonment of journalists, illegal raids on newsrooms or the closure of radio stations that are a nuisance to the authorities. France 24 spoke to two heavyweights in the defense […]

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Nicaragua: IAPA denounces serious health deterioration of journalists imprisoned by Daniel Ortega's regime

"At least six journalists imprisoned in Nicaragua by the regime of Daniel Ortega are suffering serious health deterioration, after months of being imprisoned in torture-like conditions, denounced the Inter American Press Association (IAPA), through a statement. The IAPA warned this week that these six journalists were condemned to sentences of up to 13 years in […]

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Editorial staff of La Prensa forced to leave Nicaragua due to persecution by Ortega's regime

"The Daniel Ortega regime's persecution of the staff of Diario LA PRENSA this month forced the newspaper's staff to flee the country. Journalists, editors, photographers and other staff were forced to leave Nicaragua irregularly [without proper travel documentation] in the last two weeks to protect their safety and freedom." Read original story (in Spanish)