

Posts Tagged ‘ Colombia ’

Illustration depicting a robot reading a newspaper, with a tech-futuristic background

Journalists from 15 Latin American countries participate in the first JournalismAI Academy for Small Newsrooms in Spanish

Journalists selected for the first Spanish edition of the JournalismAI Academy for Small Newsrooms will seek to learn how to take advantage of artificial intelligence to optimize processes, reduce workload, improve audience engagement and strengthen sustainability. Media from 15 Latin American countries will be represented in the eight-week program.

Man in front of a computer displaying a videogame.

Colombian and Peruvian news outlets bet on 'gamification' to attract young audiences and make an impact

With interactive games, independent media outlets Cuestión Pública and Convoca, from Colombia and Peru, respectively, seek to bring the news to younger audiences, to contribute to greater media literacy and to present complex investigations in a playful way.

woman looking at the camera, leaning on a. green fence, outdoors

Court sentences former intelligence official in case of torture against Colombian journalist Claudia Duque

A Superior Court of Colombia recently sentenced one of those involved in the case of aggravated torture against journalist Claudia Julieta Duque to 12 years in prison. The journalist said the sentence left a “bitter” taste because the convicted former intelligence official is on the run.

Featured Image Journalists with cases in impunity

#ENDIMPUNITY: Justice in crimes against Latin American journalists demands long fight

To mark the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, which is celebrated every Nov. 2, LatAm Journalism Review (LJR) is highlighting four cases of journalists from Latin America and the Caribbean that, for the most part, remain unpunished.

claudia duque in black and white over a black background

Colombian journalist Claudia Duque left without justice after 20-year fight against torture, threats and harassment

Over the past twenty years, Colombian journalist Claudia Duque has been targeted for her work. She’s been abducted, tortured, threatened, followed and surveilled. Justice for these crimes has been limited. Despite this, she continues to focus on her own journalistic investigations, mainly into crimes against other journalists.

12 women in a group pose for the camera

Gender editors advance inclusive coverage, tackle online violence and build alliances in Latin America

Four years after the appointment of Mariana Iglesias at the Argentine newspaper Clarín, gender editors are promoting changes in news coverage, working to consolidate their positions and facing unprecedented online violence. LatAm Journalism Review spoke with gender editors in four countries to understand the current status of these professionals in the region.

Black woman with colorful red, yellow and black dress speaks before a microphone while another woman with glasses watches from behind

Racism persists in Colombian media, even with an Afro-Colombian woman as vice-president, say experts

An Afro-Colombian journalist, Beatriz Valdés Correa, won the 2023 Gabo Award in the text category for an investigation on the situation of Afro-Colombian women victims of sexual violence in the context of the armed conflict. How does the Colombian media cover the facts about the Afro-Colombian population and its vice-president Francia Márquez?

Entre Ríos Museum, Colombia's proposal to make stories silenced by violence visible through art, science and journalism

In addition to thousands of victims, Colombia's armed conflict has also left a trail of silence and invisible stories in different regions of the country. Through a project that combines art, science and journalism, reporter Ginna Morelo and the Entre Ríos Museo team seek to rescue Colombia's collective memory.

Winners of the 2023 Gabo Award.

2023 Gabo Awards recognize Latin American journalism that unveils cases of repression, injustice and corruption

Feature stories by El Espectador (Colombia), IDL-Reporteros (Peru) and Réporter Brasil (Brazil) won the Gabo 2023 Award in Text, Image, and Coverage categories, respectively. The awards gala also honored journalist Jennifer Ávila (Honduras) and denounced injustices against Guatemalan journalist José Rubén Zamora, who has been imprisoned for almost a year.

Cuban journalist Loraine Morales and Colombian journalist Andrea Aldana over a blurry background of a university classroom.

Exiled journalists from Colombia and Cuba to teach at Spanish university how to do journalism in hostile environments

Colombian journalist Andrea Aldana and Cuban journalist Loraine Morales, who live in exile due to hostility towards journalism in their countries, will strengthen their teaching skills while sharing their experience with journalism students, as part of a program promoted by Reporters Without Borders and Spain's Miguel Hernández University.