

Posts Tagged ‘ Fact-checking ’

Chart of skills used by journalists in Latin America/Caribbean

More Latin American journalists are using fact-checking and data analysis tools, ICFJ research finds

In 2017, 51 percent of journalists from around the world who took part in the survey said they used digital fact-checking and information verification tools, while only 26 percent of Latin American journalists said the same.

Latam Chequea Coronavirus database

Collaborative fact-checking project in Latin America builds platform on coronavirus to help journalists

The current pandemic highlights the need for journalists to work together as the coronavirus, as well as disinformation surrounding it, crosses languages and borders.

Comprova logo

With collaboration among 24 Brazilian outlets, the Comprova project returns to combat disinformation about the coronavirus

Comprova, a Brazilian collaborative project that brings together 24 media outlets in the country, started what it calls a special phase to verify information about the new coronavirus.

Coronavirus molecule

Coronavirus fact-checking collaboration brings together 91 organizations in 40 countries and may be the largest in history

A global collaboration project between fact-checking organizations is working to disprove rumors and combat disinformation about the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus epidemic.

Reverso logo

Election fact-checking projects in Argentina and Uruguay reflect on successful collaboration and fighting disinformation

Election coverage is perhaps one of the biggest challenges in newsrooms: processing large volumes of information in a short time and with the same team that works in everyday conditions.

RedCheq team

Colombian media team up to fact-check regional elections through RedCheq network

Diferentemente de outros países latino-americanos, a Colômbia não tem eleições presidenciais neste ano, mas elegerá representantes locais como governadores, prefeitos e vereadores, entre outros cargos, em 27 de outubro. Como nas eleições presidenciais, as campanhas regionais podem ser afetadas pela disseminação de informações falsas.

Manuel Tarricone and Laura Zommer in Chequeado's newsroom, from where Reverso is coordinate

Based on lessons from Brazil and Mexico, Argentina's Reverso unites 130 media outlets in collaborative fact-checking effort

After Mexico and Brazil in 2018, as well as Uruguay and Bolivia in 2019, Argentina also launched a collaborative fact-checking project ahead of 2019 general elections. And with 130 participating media outlets, Argentina’s Reverso stands as the broadest alliance against disinformation ever carried out in the region.

Chequea Bolivia team sitting around a table

On the eve of presidential elections in Bolivia, two fact-checking initiatives put a magnifying glass on political discourse

A message allegedly written by Bolivian President Evo Morales on his Twitter account congratulating drug traffickers Joaqín ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán and Pablo Escobar on the occasion of Teacher’s Day on June 6 went viral in the country.