Mexico and Brazil are the only two Latin American nations among a ranking of the 13 countries globally where the killers of journalists most frequently are unpunished, according to the 2019 Global Impunity Index published by the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ). “The impunity we have witnessed in these [13] countries year after year, and the […]
A ruling by the Criminal Chamber of the Superior Court of Cali, Colombia, against the newspaper El País generated concern among press freedom organizations that believe it could set a precedent for prior censorship in the country.
Twenty-one years after Nelson Carvajal Carvajal was killed, the Attorney General's Office of Colombia declared the journalist’s murder a crime against humanity.
Minister Gilmar Mendes of the Brazilian Supreme Court (STF, for its initials in Portuguese) granted an injunction that ensures that U.S. journalist Glenn Greenwald cannot be investigated for divulging information or for keeping source confidentiality.
Roberto de Jesús Quiñones Haces, a Cuban lawyer and journalist, received one year in prison for the crime of resistance and disobedience months after being detained and allegedly beaten by the political police.
After an independent Peruvian journalist was sentenced for defamation, the Archbishop who accused him before the court has presented a request for his complaint to be withdrawn.
A Peruvian judge has ordered the freezing of all assets and a mandate to appear for investigative site Ojo Público, its executive director, Óscar Castilla and journalist Edmundo Cruz, of the newspaper La República.
Almost four years after Brazilian radio journalist Gleydson Carvalho was murdered inside the studio where he was working, a Brazilian court convicted three people of involvement in the crime.
On Jan. 11, the Honduran Supreme Court confirmed the sentence of a journalist who received 10 years in prison in 2016 for crimes of injuria and defamation.
A Bolivian journalist who reported alleged irregularities in the contracting of the country's state telecommunications company could be criminally prosecuted.
There has been another advancement in the case of the 2014 murder of Paraguayan journalist Pablo Medina and his assistant Antonia Almada.