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TV journalists interviewing someone

Venezuelan journalists suffer arbitrary detentions and problems with passports

Arbitrary detentions and the cancellation and withholding of passports belonging to two high-profile Venezuelan journalists helped to mark September as another month in a long period of aggressions against the press in the country.

photograph of Tania Orbe

RESEARCH: Ecuadorian students and digital media unite to fact-check presidential candidates

Data verification, or fact-checking, of facts of public interest and declarations of public figures has become a worldwide trend. This practice goes back to one of the basic principles of journalism, like the contrasting of sources.

Venezuela flag

Study shows Venezuelan journalists work amid threats and economic precariousness

Venezuelan journalists work in an environment often characterized by threats, economic precariousness, limited resources and few job opportunities

Cyber attacks push elPeriódico offline in 'new wave of intimidation' against the Guatemalan newspaper

Guatemalan newspaper elPeriódico has been shutdown by a new wave of cyberattacks. The site reported attacks to its server since the early morning hours of Aug. 29 in what it says is the 15th such assault on its site.

Groups report rise in attacks on the independent press since change in Cuban presidency

Since Miguel Díaz-Canel became President of Cuba in April 2018, “repression against journalists is greater,” José Antonio Fornaris, president of Cuba’s Pro Press Freedom Association (APLP, for its initials in Spanish), told the Knight Center.

Mexican journalist denied entry to Venezuela ahead of journalism festival is first foreign journalist turned away this year

Mexican journalist Abraham Torres reported he was denied entry at Simon Bolivar International Airport while on his way to a journalism festival hosted by digital news site Efecto Cocuyo.

Tribunal Superior Eleitoral Brasil

Judiciary and Congress confront 'fake news' in Brazil, but critics fear negative effects for freedom of expression

In 2018 several Latin American countries will see presidential elections, and with them, the risk of widespread misinformation caused by fraudulent news. In Brazil, concern about the problem has moved public authorities, and within four months of the election, the Superior Electoral Court has made its first decision regarding the fight against fraudulent news in the electoral context.

UNESCO Report, “Schools for Judges: Lessons in Freedom of Information and Expression from (and for) Latin America’s courtrooms"

UNESCO report highlights Knight Center online courses among its initiatives to train judges in Latin America

Five years after its implementation, UNESCO's project to train judges, prosecutors and other judicial operators in Latin America on freedom of expression and access to information has become the most ambitious judicial training program in the region and has led to concrete results in the courts

Two men formally accused in murder of Nicaraguan journalist; family of the deceased protests accusation

Two suspects in the murder of Nicaraguan journalist Ángel Gahona were sent to prison on May 8 after an initial hearing before a district judge in Managua, the country’s capital, La Prensa reported. However, the journalist’s family as well as the detainees and other civil society organizations, are protesting the accusation made by the public prosecutor’s office, saying it is a strategy of the authorities to avoid accusing the real perpetrators.

Latin American journalists push for professionalization and fight against censorship on the 25th World Press Freedom Day

As they have every year since 1993, when UNESCO proclaimed May 3 as World Press Freedom Day, journalists and freedom of expression advocates in Latin America and around the world gathered at conferences and rallied online to discuss the importance of press freedom and ways to the threats it faces.