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Venezuelan newspaper director sentenced to prison for defamation after publishing journalistic investigation

The director of Venezuelan newspaper Correo del Caroní, David Natera Febres, was sentenced to four years in prison for crimes of defamation and injuria related to reports published in 2013 that denounced cases of corruption in a state mining company, reported nonprofit organization Espacio Público. Natera Febres was given 10 days to appeal the decision.

Mexico-based journalist profiles criminal organizations and their leaders in Latin America

While covering organized crime in Latin America, Mexico-based British journalist Ioan Grillo identified parallels in the mode of operation of the largest criminal organizations in the region – whether in Rio de Janeiro, Mexico City or Kingston, Jamaica.

Brazilian newspaper Tweets formal complaints of violence against women for International Women’s Day

Every seven minutes, a complaint of violence against women is registered in Brazil, according to the Secretariat of Policies for Women. On International Women's Day, March 8, Brazilian newspaper O Estado de São Paulo published these reports via Twitter at the exact frequency that they occur: every seven minutes. The newspaper posted real complaints collected by the Center for Assistance to Women — Dial 180.

Fact-checking journalism projects grow in Latin America and around the world

The number of fact-checking journalistic projects around the world has almost doubled between 2015 and 2016, according to an annual census of the Duke Reporters' Lab. According to the study, there are now 96 active fact-checking projects in 37 countries - in 2015, there were 64 projects, and 44 the previous year.

Venezuelan congress attempts legal reform to regularize licenses for hundreds of radio and TV stations

The Organic Telecommunications Law could change in Venezuela after José Gregorio Correa, a member of Congress for the Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD by its initials in Spanish), presented a reform proposal before the Communications Media Commission of the National Assembly.

Ecuadorian regulatory agency says Bonil cartoon is not discriminatory; LGBTQ activists work to improve coverage

In the midst of efforts by civil society to improve dialogue between the LGBTQ community and media, the Ecuadorian government has determined that a cartoon by El Universo cartoonist Xavier Bonilla, known as Bonil, which appeared to comment on gender identity, is not discriminatory.

Growing number of journalistic projects funded collectively, says research; Learn how to succeed with crowdfunding

The Brazilian Ministry of Justice investigated cases of explosions in cars produced in the country after a Brazilian news site produced a report about them. A digital media startup launched in Venezuela, creating a new source of independent information for citizens in that country. In Argentina, a fact-checking organization can keep politicians and other public figures accountable by comparing their statements with reality.

Brazilian journalist receives death threats after newspaper publishes fake interview with him

Brazilian journalist Leonardo Sakamoto has received dozens of death threats after a fake interview with him was published by a local newspaper in Minas Gerais.

With 24 years of broadcasting, Radio Heliópolis engages and transforms community on the outskirts of São Paulo

It was the early 2000s when Reginaldo José Gonçalves received a visit from a policeman during the broadcast of his rap program on Radio Heliópolis, a community radio station on the outskirts of São Paulo, Brazil. 

Brazil's third oldest newspaper terminates its print version

On the last day of 2015, the Brazilian newspaper O Mossoroense printed its last edition on paper, and now offers only digital content on its website and mobile app. Created in 1872 in the northeastern city of Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte, the newspaper is the third oldest in Brazil, according to the National Association of Newspapers.