
Brazilian journalists exchange views of online news at seminar in São Paulo

More than 100 Brazilian journalists, academics, students, and programmers participated in the First International Seminar on Online Journalism on May 29, 2010, in São Paulo. The gathering was organized by the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas, Cásper Libero College, and the Brazilian chapter of the Online News Association (ONA-Brazil).

Speakers presented the development of digital stories as a multidisciplinary activity, requiring collaboration that involves programmers, hackers, and experts in sophisticated infographics. Other panels dealt with new activities that digital journalism has created for reporters, such as interactive databases, algorithms, mobile digital platforms, news generated by the public, and narrative journalism on the internet.

After the meeting, participants agreed to continue exchanging experiences about online journalism through a listserve, which could evolve into an association dedicated to training and professional development in online journalism. For more information, see this story by Maíra Magro.

Note from the editor: This story was originally published by the Knight Center’s blog Journalism in the Americas, the predecessor of LatAm Journalism Review.