
First safety protocols enacted to help protect Mexican journalists

Journalist associations and Mexican authorities from Chihuahua, a state along the border with the United States that is one of the most violent zones in the world for journalists because of drug trafficking-related violence, signed on Sept. 6 the first safety protocol for journalists who cover high-risk news, according to Masnoticias and Tiempo.

The protocol, which goes into effect this week, includes measures to improve security for journalists, and commitments from authorities to respect freedom of expression and the right to information, and for journalists to adhere to ethical standards and respect victims of violence.

Among the recommendations for journalists are to avoid using anonymous sources and not to assign blame without proof.

See here for more information about the protocols (in Spanish).

Note from the editor: This story was originally published by the Knight Center’s blog Journalism in the Americas, the predecessor of LatAm Journalism Review.