
Multimedia report recalls unsolved killing of Colombian editor Guillermo Cano

To investigate the unpunished assassination of Guillermo Cano, who was shot by hitmen 23 years ago in Bogotá outside the offices of his family's newspaper, El Espectador, a team of Colombian journalists have produced this excellent multimedia report: 23 Years of Impunity and Silence.

Cano was killed Dec. 17, 1986, when he was 61. He had edited the newspaper since he was 27. His death came after he had called for firm measures to be taken against drug traffickers.

The story for Terra Networks Colombia was reported by Julián Martinez and Juan Prieto, designed by Fabián Suárez, and edited by Oswaldo Malo and Juan Jaimes. Access it here.

Cano’s brother, journalist Alfonso Cano, died Dec. 31, on his 82nd birthday. (See stories in Spanish here.)

Note from the editor: This story was originally published by the Knight Center’s blog Journalism in the Americas, the predecessor of LatAm Journalism Review.