After an almost four-hour hearing, a judge in the state of Texas, U.S., granted asylum to Cuban journalist Serafín Morán Santiago, who had been detained since last April, according to the freedom of the press organization Fundamedios USA.
The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas is participating in the Women Journo Heroes campaign led by the International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF).
The Guatemalan investigative journalism site Plaza Pública recently launched a journalism and safety protocols manual for journalists that summarizes the lessons of its first six years of existence.
Chilean journalist Javier Rebolledo Escobar was acquitted of the crime of defamation (injurias graves con publicidad) after being accused by a former Army official sentenced for crimes against humanity committed during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet (1973-1990), news agency EFE reported.
WhatsApp has 120 million active users in Brazil, according to what the company reported in July this year. This number is equivalent to more than half of the Brazilian population, estimated at 208.5 million people.
Video production has become an increasingly important skill for journalists who want to be versatile and tell stories in a variety of ways.
Former military officer Daniel Urresti, who is running for mayor of Lima on Oct. 7, was acquitted as co-author of the murder of journalist Hugo Bustios in 1988.
Stories about the effects of man-made environmental disasters, the fight for women’s rights and an international refugee crisis were recognized at the 2018 Gabriel García Márquez Journalism Awards.
On Oct. 7, the Brazilian electorate goes to the polls for general elections marked by the intense dissemination of rumors and fraudulent news on social networks, also fomented by the public’s distrust of the press. In this charged political and media environment, journalists have been consistently targeted for doing their investigative and reporting work.
Eighteen journalists who completed massive online Portuguese courses with the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas were at Google São Paulo on Oct. 1 to attend exclusive workshops on electoral coverage and fact-checking.
A Colombian judge denied a tutela – a judicial recourse in the country to restore fundamental rights – filed by prosecutor Daniel Hernández against journalist María Jimena Duzán because of an opinion column, Semana magazine reported.
The Peruvian journalistic site IDL-Reporteros, which in the middle of this year revealed a deep crisis in the country’s judicial system through the release of audio recordings of telephone leaks, asked the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR) to demand that the government provide urgent protection measures for journalists and officials investigating the alleged acts of corruption.