

Data scientists in Brazil working on the country’s first robot-journalist to report on congressional bills

Bills making their way through Brazil’s Chamber of Deputies will be closely followed by a new kind of beat reporter: a news-producing robot, the first of its kind in the country.

Men attempt to set fire to house of Gregorio Jiménez, Mexican journalist killed in 2014

Mexican authorities detained two men after attempts were made to set fire to the family home of Gregorio Jiménez de la Cruz, a journalist killed in Veracruz in 2014.

Bolivian journalists declare an ‘emergency’ regarding parts of new Penal Code that criminalize defamation

The National Association of Bolivian Journalists (ANPB, for its initials in Spanish) and the Association of Journalists of La Paz (APLP) have declared an “emergency” in rejection of articles of the country’s new Penal Code the entities say could be used against professionals in retaliation for their work.

Men attempt to set fire to house of Gregorio Jiménez, Mexican journalist killed in 2014

Mexican authorities detained two men after attempts were made to set fire to the family home of Gregorio Jiménez de la Cruz, a journalist killed in Veracruz in 2014.

How Argentine innovators created Chequeado and made it a global leader in fact-checking

It was a sunny day in May when members of the Chequeado team carefully laid out a large board game in Plaza Moreno in La Plata, Argentina. The whole scene had an air of whimsy: dice that require two hands to hold, icons that stood 4 feet tall and circus performers that called passersby to try their hand at the fact-checking site’s version of “La Oca,” or the Game of the Goose.

From website to library: How one woman is bolstering women Latin American photographers

What began as a simple interest has turned into a passion project for Verónica Sanchis Bencomo. Through her website Foto Féminas, the photographer publishes monthly features in Spanish and English that highlight the work of female photographers in Latin American and Caribbean countries. Now Sanchis  has taken her work from the web to a library.

Conversational bot will help counter false news during Brazil’s elections

Brazilian voters will have a robot helper to fight disinformation in this year's general elections. Her name is Fátima, a conversational bot that is being developed by the team at fact-checking site Aos Fatos in partnership with Facebook. Fátima’s launch is scheduled for June, in time for the October elections.​

15 histórias mais lidas, compartilhadas, curtidas e retuitadas do blog Jornalismo nas Américas em 2017

Enquanto começamos 2018, quisemos dar uma olhada em algumas das histórias mais importantes, bem como mais lidas, compartilhadas e curtidas no blog do Centro Knight, Jornalismo nas Américas.

Políticos e narcotraficantes estariam envolvidos no assassinato da jornalista mexicana Miroslava Breach

Durante o recente julgamento do suposto autor intelectual do assassinato de Miroslava Breach Velducea, foi apresentado um áudio que supostamente vincula dois membros do Partido Ação Nacional (PAN) ao assassinato da correspondente de La Jornada, em 23 de março de 2017.

Revendo o ano de 2017 do Centro Knight: cursos online alcançaram quase 34 mil alunos, um recorde

Em 2017, jornalistas da América Latina enfrentaram uma crescente crise de liberdade de expressão. Muitos arriscaram suas vidas para contar histórias importantes que poderiam ter permanecido ocultas, enquanto outros enfrentaram ameaças contra si e suas famílias.

Knight Center year in review: 2017 online courses reach nearly 34,000 students, a record high

In 2017, journalists in Latin America grappled with a growing crisis of freedom of expression. Many risked their lives to tell important stories that may have otherwise gone untold, while others faced threats against themselves and their families.

15 of the most read, shared, liked and reTweeted posts from the Journalism in the Americas blog in 2017

As we start 2018, we wanted to take a look back at some of the most important, as well as widely read, shared and liked stories on the Knight Center’s Journalism in the Americas blog.