

Armed group sets fire to newspaper building in Veracruz, Mexico

The newspaper El Buen Tono, which had only been in circulation for one month, temporarily ceased publishing due to damages sustained to their computer system, editing and administrative departments, as the newspaper Hoy de Veracruz reported.

Ecuadoran journalist once insulted publicly by president speaks about the press' relationship with the government (VIDEO)

With Ecuadoran president Rafael Correa increasingly critical of the media, the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) in October issued a "freedom resolution" calling on the government to "reverse recent trends that seriously undermine a free and independent press in Ecuador, by repealing criminal defamation, putting a stop to all forms of harassment against journalists and guaranteeing the full independence of the media in the country."

Impunity, torture suggest political nature behind attacks on Honduran journalists

Since Honduran President Porfirio Lobo took office on Jan. 27, 2010, following disputed elections, 16 journalists in the Central American country have been killed and none of the crimes have been solved. In a 2010 report, the Committee to Protect Journalists claimed the “murders [of press workers] occurred in a politically charged atmosphere of violence and lawlessness.” The violence's political undertones have raised concerns about impunity and freedom of expression in Honduras in the wake of the 2009 coup d’ét

Judicial offensive threatens Brazilian news website that covers Congress

After publishing a series of reports on government salaries in all three branches that exceed constitutional limits, the news site "Congresso em Foco" (Congress in Focus) became the target of a flood of legal charges from the public servants in the Brazilian Senate, reported the website on Oct. 31.

Brazilian cameraman caught in the crossfire while covering police operation outside Rio de Janeiro

Cameraman for TV Bandeirantes Gelson Domingos died in a firefight between police and drug traffickers on Nov. 6 in the Antares favela in Santa Cruz, west of Rio de Janeiro, reported G1. Domingos was covering the police operation in the community when he was shot with a rifle.

Students and journalists clash during protest at Brazilian university

Late in the evening of Nov. 7, students occupying the chancellor's office of the University of São Paulo in protest against the presence of military police on the campus attacked journalists covering the event, reported the news agency Estado.

'Plaza Pública' da Guatemala oferece notícias com mais profundidade e livre de pressões políticas e econômicas

Em entrevista ao Centro Knight para o Jornalismo nas Américas, a editora Julie Lopez, do site de notícias Plaza Pública da Guatemala, fala sobre como o jornal digital sem fins lucrativos, destinado a proporcionar uma perspectiva alternativa "livre de pressões econômicas e políticas", começou, lançado em 22 de fevereiro de 2011. Veja abaixo o vídeo da entrevista (em espanhol).

Bomb explodes at building of newspaper publishing company in Chile

On Nov. 1, an explosive detonated in front of the building of a newspaper publishing company in Chile, according to the news agency EFE. No one was injured in the explosion, although several windows were destroyed. The company, Copesa, publishes the Chilean newspapers La Tercera, La Cuarta, and La Hora, as well as the magazine Que Pasa.

Peruvian journalist shot, robbed after reporting on alleged bribery of police by smugglers

A Peruvian journalist from the newspaper La República was shot and robbed Saturday night, Nov. 5, as he was leaving his home, reported the newspaper Correo.

Editor of Guatemalan newspaper resigns over disagreement about journalistic independence

Sylvia Gereda, co-founder and director of the Guatemalan newspaper elPeriódico, said she decided to resign following a dispute with the other co-founders over shares in the newspaper that compromised its editorial independence in Gereda's opinion, according to a post made by the journalist on her blog. In a clarification, Jose Rubén Zamora, editor and founder of elPeriódico wrote, "I did not censor her work not is it true that Manuel Baldizón, presidential candidate, interferes, much less is the owner of elPeriódi

Peruvian tourism entrepreneur threatens radio station after report accuses him of violating indigenous rights

A tourism business owner in the Amazonian region of Peru burst into a church threatening the Catholic radio station Ucamara in the city of Nauta to stop interfering in his business, reported the Press and Society Institute.

One of Latin America's best sunshine laws goes largely unused, says Mexican information expert

In 1995, academic and media analyst Sergio Aguayo ruffled feathers when he asked what was the president of Mexico's salary.