O presidente do Equador, Rafael Correa, ameaçou ingressar com uma nova ação contra o jornal El Universo após a publicação de uma provocativa carta escrita por uma deputada, de acordo com a organização Fundamedios.
Against the backdrop of three journalists killed, one jailed, others facing death threats, and two more accused of defamation, Peru celebrated Journalists' Day on Saturday, Oct. 1.
Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa threatened to bring yet another charge against the embattled newspaper El Universo after it published a provocative letter by an assembly member, according to the group Fundamedios.
A Diretora-Geral da UNESCO, Irina Bokova, condenou o assassinato do jornalista brasileiro Valderlei Canuto Leandro, morto com oito tiros por homens não identificados no dia 1º de setembro, na cidade de Tabatinga, no estado do Amazonas, informou o site da organização neste domingo, 2 de outubro.
The director-general of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, condemned the killing of Brazilian journalist Valderlei Canuto Leandro, who was shot eight times by unidentified men on Sept. 1 in the city of Tabatinga, in the Amazons, UNESCO reported on Sunday, Oct. 2.
Salvadoran President Mauricio Funes, an ex-journalist, came out in support of a reform to decriminalize slander, libel and defamation in the Central American country, reported the newspaper El Diario de Hoy on Oct. 1.
Andrés Izarra, Venezuelan minister of information and communications, criticized journalists from El Nuevo Herald de Miami for falsely reporting that President Hugo Chávez was rushed to a hospital in the capital, Caracas, reported AFP.
El presidente de Ecuador, Rafael Correa, amenazó con demandar de nuevo al diario El Universo tras la publicación de una provocativa carta escrita por una asambleísta, de acuerdo con la organización Fundamedios.
A drug dealer threatened two radio hosts in the northern Argentine province of Salta, reported the Argentine Journalism Forum (FOPEA in Spanish).
Journalists, academics and telecommunication experts joined to form "Ya Basta de los Abusos de Televisa" (Enough already with Televisa's abuses), dedicated to denouncing media campaigns and manipulation of information of Mexican television and multimedia giant Televisa.
The non-governmental organization Foro Penal Venezolano wrote a letter to the High Commissioner for Human Rights requesting the United Nations organization send an observer to Venezuela to monitor the case of jailed editor Leocenis García.
Radio announcers for the station Hits Star Noticias received death threats in the northern Peruvian city of Bagua.