

Nicaraguan flag and election box

In year leading up to presidential elections, Nicaraguan government cracks down on independent press

In the year leading up to Nicaragua’s presidential election on Nov. 7, President Daniel Ortega implemented increasingly strict limitations on press freedom— a move critics say is part of a years-long campaign to silence Ortega’s political opposition.

Camera, pen and microphone

Argentina, Mexico and Brazil see the worst setbacks in the IAPA press freedom index

The most recent edition of the Chapultepec Index of Freedom of Expression and the Press, from the Inter-American Press Association (IAPA), recorded an improvement of 4.2 points on average in the 22 countries evaluated on the continent. The more positive overall picture comes with poor results from three of the largest countries in the region, Argentina, Mexico and Brazil, which lost the most points in the ranking.

Cameraman in PPE

Chronicling disease and migration, winners of the Roche Prizes mark an eventful year for health journalism in Latin America

Childbirth during migration, the Zika epidemic and the COVID-19 pandemic were the themes recognized in the ninth edition of the Roche Prize for Health Journalism, which awards health coverage in Latin America.

Cover of UNESCO report: Threats that Silence

Latin America ties with Asia as the regions with the most murders of journalists between 2016 and 2020, UNESCO report says

Latin America and the Caribbean recorded 123 homicides of journalists in the last five years. Mexico is the country with the most murdered communicators in the region and in the world, with 61 registered cases.

Graphic: Celebrating 260,000 students in 9 years of massive online courses

Knight Center’s Journalism Courses program reaches 260,000 students from around the world in nine years

On it’s ninth anniversary, the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas’ Journalism Courses program of massive online training for journalists is celebrating a new milestone: It has reached more than 260,000 students from more than 200 countries and territories.

Photos of journalists killed in Mexico with fake blood on them

Mexico and Brazil again on CPJ's Global Impunity Index

The Committee to Protect Journalists published the Global Impunity Index that lists the top 12 countries where perpetrators of crimes against journalists go free. Mexico and Brazil are the Latin American countries that made the ranking.

Claudia Julieta Duque

Colombian press freedom organization warns about collection of sensitive data belonging to at-risk journalist

Colombia’s FLIP denounced that the organization in charge of protecting journalist Claudia Julieta Duque collected sensitive data from the reporter through detailed monitoring from the GPS installed in her vehicle given as part of a protection scheme.

Caricaturista Pedro X. Molina, Nicaragua

Nicaraguan cartoonist Pedro X. Molina receives ‘Recognition of Excellence’ from the 2021 Gabo Awards

A few days ago, and within the framework of the Gabo Festival, one of the most important journalism festivals in Latin America, the cartoonist Pedro X. Molina from Nicaragua received the ‘Recognition of Excellence from the 2021 Gabo Awards.’

Parte da equipe fixa do Desenrola e Não me Enrola: editais públicos garantiram sobrevivência e expansão da publicação. Foto: cortesia

Brazilian journalistic outlets use public policies to promote culture to get resources

In the absence of specific public policies to finance journalistic activities, small media outlets in Brazil make use of calls for grants for cultural projects to obtain resources. The country has a long tradition of publicly funding cultural activities, and journalists and experts advocate the same approach to journalism to tackle the news deserts and disinformation.

Digital media

Latin American journalists reflect on the last decade at LATAM Forum of Digital Media and Journalism

In the last 10 years, the way of doing journalism has changed. Journalists have also undergone a transformation that involves the emergence of digital media, a deepening of the culture of transparency, collaborative work, greater participation of women, changes in methodology and in the way in which content is consumed, and transformation of business models.

En México, la violencia contra los periodistas crece y los reportes sobre la violencia desaparecen

Las denuncias de casos de agresión en contra de periodistas en México entre enero y septiembre de este año llegaron a 225. De estos, dos de ellos murieron. Otros 33 dejaron el país bajo amenazas. Además de la violencia del crimen organizado, cuyo principal brazo es el narcotráfico que ahora controla varias regiones internas del país, existe una grave situación de censura institucional en el país.

Fellowship Stock

Fellowships for journalists at U.S. universities are open to Latin American applicants. Find out how to apply

Como em anos anteriores, a LatAm Journalism Review (LJR) preparou uma lista de bolsas que são tradicionalmente abertas a jornalistas de fora dos Estados Unidos, além de informações sobre inscrições.