Keeping its tradition of bringing together scholars, journalists and media executives, on July 23 the 21st International Online Journalism Symposium (ISOJ) held its research panel “Power, privilege and patriarchy in journalism: Dynamics of media control, resistance and renewal” to discuss the results of peer-reviewed papers.
Public interest media is adapting to economic difficulties and creating innovative projects and business models in order to survive and flourish.
Nikole Hannah-Jones spoke about her Pulitzer Prize-winning 1619 Project, the obstacles journalists of color face in the industry, and her advice to journalism students of color and mentors.
“Solutions journalism is just straight reporting. It's covering the news. Solutions journalism allows you to tell the whole story, the complete story which we are leaving out. Solutions journalism helps to increase trust,” said Tina Rosenberg.
"When media outlets treat women politicians as women first and politicians second, they are feeding into an already sexist culture where many voters believe that men make better politicians than women," said Dustin Harp
News organizations can take steps, like hiring a more diverse staff and being more transparent, to build trust between the newsroom and their audience.
Zamora and Ramshaw spoke about how the outlet, which will be launched in Summer 2020, will address the disparities and discrepancies women face and how they are disproportionately affected by certain issues
The tricky part of the traditional fact-checking model is the speed in which fake news can reach hundreds of thousands of people, said Talia Stroud, director of the Center for Media Engagement of UT at Austin.
TikTok is a social media hotbed for communities, culture, creativity, and disinformation, making it an invaluable tool for journalists, said Laura Garcia, the training and support manager at First Draft.
As the coronavirus continues to devastate many parts of the world, journalists are grappling with the best way to cover the disease as information changes and amid a culture of science denialism.