
Journalism Courses

Investigative Reporting Now

Learn to use OSINT and other cutting-edge tools in Knight Center's new advanced course

To help investigative journalists with the latest investigative tools and techniques, the Knight Center is offering a new advanced, low-cost online course, “Investigative Reporting Now: OSINT and Other Cutting-Edge Tools and Techniques.”

Newsletters 2.0: Strategies to delight audiences and grow revenue

Take your newsletter to the next level in new advanced online course from the Knight Center

This four-week course is designed to level up your email newsletter game and help you stay ahead of the latest trends, audience needs, and technological advancements.

Climate Solutions Journalism

New free two-week course offers solutions journalism approaches to improve climate reporting

The free online course “Climate Solutions Journalism: A Community-informed & Equity-focused Approach,” will equip you to make a real impact by focusing on practical solutions for everyday climate issues.

Research for the Newsroom

Learn strategies and tools to add research and context that deepen your reporting with free online course

The free online course is designed to help you bring a critical eye to data and sources and understand how research is crucial for covering everything from breaking news to feature stories.

Google Sheets para Periodistas

Knight Center offers exclusive series of four webinars on how to use Google Sheets for journalism

As a journalist, you know that every piece of data has the potential to tell an important story, but handling large volumes of data can be challenging. Can you imagine turning that complex data into clear and interesting narratives? This is your chance to learn how! "Google Sheets para Periodistas" (Google Sheets for Journalists) is […]

Database reporting on a computer

Learn to use Google Sheets for data journalism: Knight Center offers webinar series in Spanish

The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas presents a new webinar series in Spanish, “Google Sheets for journalists.” It is a unique opportunity for communicators, journalists and editors to learn to master one of the most useful tools for data analysis and visualization.

“Como usar a Lei de Acesso à Informação (LAI) para produzir reportagens de impacto”

New course for Brazilian journalists teaches how to use the Access to Information Law in impactful reporting

Registrations are open for the new free online course in Portuguese for Brazilian journalists, "Como usar a Lei de Acesso à Informação (LAI) para produzir reportagens de impacto" (How to use Brazil's Access to Information Law to produce impactful reporting), organized by the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas in partnership with Fiquem Sabendo, […]

Audio intensive storytelling for journalists

Q&A with renowned radio journalist Tamar Charney highlights new advanced, online course on audio storytelling now open for registration

Over the last decade, the popularity of online audio, podcasts, and audiobooks has surged. According to the Pew Research Center, 75% of Americans aged 12 and older listened to online audio in the past month, and 42% listened to a podcast in the past month. To help you make the most of this trend,  the […]

First Python Notebook: Data Analysis on Deadline

Enhance your data journalism skills with new advanced Python course

Learn Python programming skills to help you discover, create, and publish data-driven investigations efficiently and effectively in a new online course from the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas. “First Python Notebook: Data Analysis on Deadline” runs from May 27 to June 23, 2024. Registration is open now for this paid course, with limited […]

Freedom of Expression, Artificial Intelligence, and Elections

The impact of AI on elections and freedom of expression: Register now for new free online course in five languages

The rise of artificial intelligence and other new technologies presents opportunities and challenges for journalists and communicators during elections. As a record number of people worldwide prepare to go to the polls this year, the need to understand the impact of technology on democratic processes has never been more urgent. To prepare key stakeholders for […]