
Journalism Courses

Panel of five people at ISOJ

Online journalism can prosper if the focus on local news is genuine, ISOJ panel suggests

Local journalism would benefit from more focus on filling in coverage gaps and building strong relationships with readers, according to panelists at the International Symposium on Online Journalism on April 13.

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Learn to see the other in the age of selfie: Sign up for free online course on documentary photography

The free online course  “Visual Journalism: Looking at the other in the age of selfie” will be taught by celebrated and award-winning photographer João Pina from March 4 to 31, 2019. Register now!

Instructors, CW from top R: Caitlin Thompson, Tobin Low, Jennifer Barish, Jacob Kramer-Duffield and Rose Eveleth

How to launch and grow a hit podcast: Video-classes from our successful course are now available online for free

For Teri Finneman, the Knight Center’s latest free online course on podcasting came at just the right time.

CODA.BR logo

Registration open for third edition of Coda.Br, Brazilian conference on data journalism

The Brazilian Conference on Data Journalism and Digital Methods – Coda.Br, a pioneering event in Brazil focused on data journalism, will celebrate its third year on Nov. 10 and 11 in São Paulo and has opened registration on its website.

Guilherme Jardim

How to cover artificial intelligence and understand its impact on journalism: MOOC in Portuguese, in partnership with Microsoft

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning. These are some terms that are in high demand in many professional fields, but which are not yet familiar to many in news media.