"In a decision released this morning, Judge Alejo Ramos Padilla of the Federal Court of Dolores, in Buenos Aires province, charged Santoro–an investigative journalist at national daily Clarín–with belonging to an 'illicit association dedicated to illegal espionage' and carrying out 'prohibited intelligence actions,' according to the court document, which CPJ reviewed. Last year, the court subpoenaed […]
"In recent days, several organizations have published reports with alarming data about the situation of press freedom in Brazil. Today (Oct. 21,2020), Abraji (Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism) announced its own monitoring: 102 alerts were reported for stigmatizing speech - made only by public authorities - against journalists in Brazil in 2020. In 2019, it […]
“On Oct. 15, the Superior Court of the District of Bogotá, Civil Chamber, in a judgment of the second instance, ordered journalist Vicky Dávila and Radio Cadena Nacional SAS to compensate Jorge Hilario Estupiñán –excommander of the National Police– and his family, considering that the questioning of a possible act of corruption could have caused […]
"Journalist María Ramírez and Susana Reyes, secretary, both employees of [newspaper] Correo del Caroní, were released by the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (Sebin, for its acronym in Spanish). The situation occurred after more than 6 hours of arbitrary detention ... On Tuesday morning, Sebin raided the headquarters of the newspaper Correo del Caroní, located in […]
"Eight new initiatives dedicated to journalism join the 28 outlets that are part of Projeto Comprova to work against disinformation. The group is formed of collectives and agencies from the five regions of the country that are connected to audiences segmented by territories, racial or religious themes and vulnerable communities. The eight new members will […]
“‘Pío López Obrador, brother of the President of the Republic, has decided to report me to the Attorney General's Office [FGR, for its acronym in Spanish]. He is asking for 12 years in prison for me, and, furthermore, he calls himself a victim, after we at LatinUs revealed the two videos in which he appears […]
"Oito novas iniciativas dedicadas ao jornalismo se unem aos 28 veículos que integram o Projeto Comprova para trabalhar contra a desinformação. O grupo é formado por coletivos e agências das cinco regiões do país e que estão conectadas a públicos segmentados por territórios, temáticas raciais ou religiosas e a comunidades vulneráveis. Os oito novos integrantes […]
"Officials from the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service on Tuesday raided the headquarters of the newspaper Correo del Caroní, located in Puerto Ordaz, Bolívar state... On Monday, October 12, the soldiers detained David Natera Febres, director of Correo del Caroní, for several hours after raiding his residence." Read original article (in Spanish)
“Brazil saw the biggest drop in the freedom of expression indicator in a report that analyzes the situation in 161 countries and that was published on Monday (19) by the international human rights organization Article 19. Brazil's fall was the most expressive in all comparisons made: the indicator fell 18 points in one year (from […]
“Nicaraguan opposition leaders and journalists denounced yesterday that the detentions, threats and harassment against dissidents continue in the context of the socio-political crisis that the country has been experiencing for two and a half years, and they blamed the government headed by Daniel Ortega... Meanwhile, the exiled journalist Maryórit Guevara, director of the digital platform […]
"Salvadoran columnist, cronista and anthropologist Juan Martinez d'Aubuisson, who writes for digital newspaper El Faro, denounced this Friday on his social networks that last Monday he was the victim of an armed assault and pointed out that, according to 'sources of the state apparatus,' the event 'was orchestrated from within the Government' of President Nayib Bukele." […]
"Venezuela: The Smugglers' Paradise" took home the Online Journalism Award from the Online News Association in the Feature: Small Newsroom category. The journalistic project was a partnership between Venezuela's Correo del Caroni, De Correspondent of the Netherlands, InfoAmazonia in Brazil, the Miami Herald/El Nuevo Herald in the U.S. and Runrun.es in Venezuela. It was the […]