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Call for submissions for the 2023 edition of the Gabo Prize

"The Gabo Foundation, in alliance with Bancolombia and Sura Groups and their affiliates in Latin America, opened up the eleventh call for submissions to the Gabo Journalism Awards. This year the awards have the slogan 'Journalism Lives On.' The works must have been originally published in Spanish or Portuguese between Jun. 7, 2022 and Mar. […]

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Brazil: Press organizations submit report to government on violence against journalists

"The Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji, by its Portuguese acronym) and other national and international organizations for press freedom defense have prepared a dossier with reports on the serious situation of insecurity for journalistic coverage in Brazil. This situation was aggravated by the coup movements that, on Jan. 8, organized encampments in barracks and […]

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National Academy of Journalism of Argentina expressed its ‘absolute rejection’ of the ‘siege’ against Marina Abiuso

"The National Academy of Journalism expressed this Thurs. (Feb. 3) its 'absolute rejection' to 'any kind of escrache' against people in public life by echoing the situation of TN journalist Marina Abiuso, who closed her Twitter account. [...] Abiuso, journalist and gender editor of TN channel, denounced suffering harassment in her social media that led […]

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Peruvian journalist Manuel Calloquispe is harassed and threatened over protest coverage

"Peruvian authorities must investigate the recent harassment of journalist Manuel Calloquispe, ensure his safety, and take steps to protect members of the press covering political protests, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Friday [Feb. 3]. On Jan. 27, a group of about 200 protesters surrounded Calloquispe’s home in the eastern town of Puerto Maldonado and […]

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Journalist Paola Ugaz describes police aggressions against her and other colleagues while covering protests in Peru

"Journalist Paola Ugaz was assaulted last Sat., Feb. 4, by members of the Peruvian National Police (PNP) while covering another day of protests in downtown Lima. She told La República newspaper that other press members were also beaten by the agents, despite identifying themselves as journalists. 'This police is not the police of a democratic […]

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Dominican Republic: Journalists awarded first place for the Innovation award in Journalism by the US Embassy and INTEC

"Ashley Ann Presinal and Nasha Cruz, two journalists from Listin Diario, received recognition in the category of digital investigative journalism (on Jan. 24). During a ceremony held at the Center for Digital Culture of the Dominican Institute of Telecommunications (INDOTEL, by its Spanish acronym), the Technological Institute of Santo Domingo (INTEC) and the American Embassy […]

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Peru: Firing of public TV journalist who criticized the police is denounced

"Peruvian journalist Carlos Cornejo denounced this Tues. (Jan. 31) that the state channel TV Peru 'had sent him home,' after having said that the death of anti-government demonstrator Víctor Santisteban in Lima this Saturday (Jan. 28) was a murder at the hands of the police. Cornejo said in his program broadcasted by TV Peru that, […]

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Brazil: Journalist Rogério Florentino faces criminal charges for story

"Journalist Rogério Florentino, from Cuiabá (capital of the state of Mato Grosso), is being targeted by abusive legal actions intended to harm the work of the press. Florentino is facing a criminal complaint filed by businessman Pedro Eugenio Gomes Procópio da Silva, owner of two mining companies operating in the city, Ofir Intermediações de Cuiabá […]

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Guatemalan justice system once again charges journalist José Rubén Zamora

"This Tues. [Jan. 31], a Guatemalan court charged renowned journalist and main opponent of President Alejandro Giammattei, José Rubén Zamora Marroquín, for alleged obstruction of justice. This brings to two the number of criminal proceedings opened against the founder of El Periódico. Zamora Marroquín is also accused of money laundering, for which he has been […]

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Colombian Constitutional Court rules in favor of journalists who published allegations against filmmaker Ciro Guerra

"The Constitutional Court [of Colombia] has just denied a tutela [legal remedy in the Colombian system for guaranteeing fundamental rights] filed by filmmaker Ciro Guerra against journalists Catalina Ruiz-Navarro and Matilde de los Milagros. Said journalists published in June 2020 in the digital news site Volcanicas eight allegations of sexual harassment and abuse against Guerra […]