
Press Freedom

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Former Mexican President Felipe Calderón claims that during his six-year term, MVS Radio offered to fire Carmen Aristegui

"Former President Felipe Calderón said this Friday that during his tenure, a communication company offered him the dismissal of journalist Carmen Aristegui. The forementioned, in clear reference to the dispute between the journalist and MVS Radio in 2011, which led to her leaving the air between Feb. 7 and 18 of that year, for requesting […]

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World Press Freedom Conference 2020 begins this week online

“The World Press Freedom Conference 2020 (WPFC) uniquely gathers journalists, media companies, human rights defenders, members of the judiciary, policymakers, academics, youth, NGOs and everyone who is interested in press freedom worldwide.” “WPFC 2020 will be held in a new, innovative format: merging digital and in-person elements. UNESCO and The Kingdom of the Netherlands are […]

William Bonner and Renata Vasconcelos. Photo: TV Globo

Brazil: Police summon two TV Globo journalists for alleged breach of a gag order

"The Civil Police of Rio de Janeiro summoned the anchors William Bonner and Renata Vasconcellos, from TV Globo’s (newscast) “Jornal Nacional,” to testify for the alleged crime of disobedience of the judicial decision in relation to publications involving the investigation of 'rachadinhas' (an illegal scheme in which employees of representatives’ offices shared their salaries with […]

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Justice rejects deputy’s censorship request against Brazilian fact-checking site Aos Fatos

“Judge Marília de Ávila e Silva Sampaio, of the 6th Special Civil Court of Brasilia, this Monday (November 30) dismissed the request for censorship in an action filed by federal deputy Bia Kicis (PSL-DF) against Aos Fatos. In addition to the retraction, the congresswoman demanded to remove from the air the report ‘Quoted for Health, […]

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IACHR to hold new public hearings on human rights in Latin America

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) will hold its 178th Period of Sessions, which will take place virtually from December 3 to 15. IACHR will hold these meetings “with civil society to receive information on the human rights situation in the countries of the región.” On December 3, the Association of Journalists of El […]

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Within Alejandro Giammattei’s first year of presidency, Guatemala has registered more than 100 attacks against the press

“The Association of Journalists of Guatemala (APG) registered 124 attacks against the press in the first 11 months of the administration of President Alejandro Giammattei, who took office on January 14. The majority of the complaints registered by the APG have been “obstruction of the source,” with 31 cases; while 20 journalists have indicated that […]

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Channel 12 of Nicaragua is one step away from being auctioned off; they denounce that Ortega’s channels are immune to the Tax Directorate

“Judge Silvia Elena Chica Larios, head of the Fourth Civil District Court of Managua, did not accept the evidence offered by the Nicavisión SA company, which operates the media communications of Channel 12, in rejection of a second fiscal objection of seven million cordobas [about US $ 200 thousand] imposed by the General Directorate of […]

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Organizations and unions of journalists in Ecuador reject the judicialization of journalism

"Organizations and unions of journalists in Ecuador on Saturday [Nov. 21] expressed their concern over the recent court ruling against journalist Juan Sarmiento that ordered his imprisonment, after the governor of the province of Napo, Jorge Espíndola, sued him for criticizing his management. [...] The concern was given because Espíndola sued Sarmiento after [the journalist] […]

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Ortega media enrich his family, entrench his hold on Nicaragua

"Family-run media spread state propaganda while Ortega uses state spending and tax laws to squeeze rival outlets. Documents reviewed by Reuters show millions in state advertising at family broadcasters even as those channels dodge taxes." Read original article