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Repórter Brasil offers reporting grants to investigate the financing of socio-environmental violations

"Between 2016 and 2021, banks invested US $37.7 billion in credit to 24 mining companies at high risk of generating deforestation and human rights violations in the world's three largest rainforest areas. Banks from the United States, Japan and Canada are among major funders. In November 2021, Vale, the largest Brazilian company in the sector, […]

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Brazil: Organizations sign statement against provisions that threaten journalism in the 'Fake News Law'

"The Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji) and other civil society organizations signed this Wed., April 6, a joint statement in which they request the complete withdrawal of the provisions on parliamentary immunity and remuneration for journalistic content from bill 2630 /2020, known as 'PL das Fake News' ['Fake News Initiative']. This public demonstration is […]

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Mocking by President Bolsonaro's son about torture suffered by journalist Míriam Leitão provokes wave of condemnation in Brazil

"A post by federal deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro in which he makes an ironic reference to an episode of torture suffered by journalist Míriam Leitão during the Brazilian military dictatorship caused a wave of condemnation among politicians from various positions. On Twitter, the son of President Jair Bolsonaro shared the image of a column by Leitão, […]

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British mining company calls the police to seize recordings of Repórter Brasil team

"A team from Repórter Brasil was waiting for an answer to a request for an interview at the headquarters of the British mining company Brazil Iron, in Piatã (Brazil), when it was approached by two military police officers on March, 28, because the journalists had allegedly invaded private property. As the crime did not take […]

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Pulitzer Center and Amazon Rainforest Journalism Fund offer grants for reporting on the impact of Brazil's elections in the Amazon

"The Amazon Rainforest Journalism Fund (RJF) and the Pulitzer Center are opening a new, special call for grant applications. Journalists, editors, and independent media organizations are invited to submit a proposal on the impact of Brazil’s elections on the Amazon rainforest. The projects should consider the intersection of upcoming elections for president and Congress and […]

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Brazil's Superior Court suspends newspaper's access to information on presidential expenses card

"Brazilian newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo lost the right to access confidential information on the expenses card of the Presidency. The president of Brazil's Superior Court of Justice (STJ), Minister Humberto Martins, revoked the decision of a regional court that allowed the newspaper to have access to data on the presidential expenses card from […]

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Brazil: Accused of killing journalist Valério Luiz will face a popular jury on March 14

"Practically ten years after journalist Valério Luiz was shot dead when leaving work, in Goiânia, Brazil, those accused of committing the crime, including [the soccer team] Atlético Goianiense adviser Maurício Sampaio, will face a popular jury. The Court of Law of Goiás State will examine the case on Monday, March 14. (...) In the proceedings, […]

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Latin American journalists win 5 out of 6 categories in King of Spain Award

"The investigation and the 'live' storytelling of the great challenges facing Ibero-America and the world such as violence, the environmental struggle, political corruption, social rights or cultural integration, are the focus of the six works awarded this Wednesday, March 3 with the International King of Spain Journalism Awards 2022. The winners, from a total of […]

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Brazil: Reporter is intimidated live by two subjects who prevented her from covering transportation strike in Rio de Janeiro

"The reporter Branca Andrade, from the SBT Rio program, was intimidated by two unidentified men, who prevented her from doing a report at the Alvorada [bus] Terminal, in Barra de Tijuca, in the west of Rio de Janeiro, about a public transport strike in that city. Andrade was broadcasting live on the SBT Rio program […]

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Brazil: Agência Pública launches micro-grants for indigenous reporters

"Agência Pública has open enrollment for the 15th edition of its journalism micro-grants program, this time aimed at indigenous reporters. Five grants of R$ 7,500 (around USD $1,450) will be distributed to the best proposals that address threats to indigenous lands and peoples [in Brazil]." Read the original story (in Portuguese)

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Attorney general of Minas Gerais in Brazil files criminal defamation complaint against journalist

"Authorities in Brazil’s Minas Gerais state should not pursue criminal defamation charges against journalist Thiago Herdy, and should refrain from criminally investigating journalists in retaliation for their work, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Wednesday. On February 16, Minas Gerais state Attorney General Jarbas Soares Júnior filed a criminal complaint and a civil lawsuit against […]