"During two months, 30 selected journalists will participate in eight virtual meetings that will seek to highlight how climate change losses and damages are exacerbating multifaceted and interrelated problems in the region, such as climate-induced migration, population displacement, food insecurity and other factors, such as water scarcity, malnutrition and poverty. [...] For this edition, we […]
"A reporter who specializes in the police beat for TV Vitória, a subsidiary of the Record [network] in [the Brazilian state of] Espírito Santo, was the victim of a wave of online attacks and has even received death threats. The attacks began last week (Aug. 15), after Alexandre Ramalho, state secretary of Public Security and […]
"The undersigned journalism and press freedom organizations strongly condemn the attempt to criminalize journalist Tai Nalon, executive director of the fact-checking agency Aos Fatos. In a criminal complaint filed with the Rio de Janeiro courts, Jornal da Cidade Online accused Nalon of unfair competition and defamation, and tried to coerce her into criminal proceedings. Jornal […]
"Registration for the 7th International Congress of Educational Journalism, organized by Brazil's Association of Education Journalists (Jeduca, by its Portuguese acronym), is now open. This year, the theme of the congress is 'What kind of society do we want? Education journalism in the national debate.' The event will be held Sept. 18-19, at the Álvares […]
"The former president [of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro] was convicted by the 4th Chamber of Private Law of the São Paulo Court of Justice for 175 attacks against the press. The public civil action was brought by the Union of Journalists of the State of São Paulo. The fine is R $50,000 [about US $10,000]. Bolsonaro […]
"The edition [of the Brazilian TV journalism program] Profissão Repórter [profession reporter] this Tuesday, Aug. 15 tackled the issue of police lethality. Reporter Danielle Zampollo went to the community of Prainha, in Guarujá [in the state of São Paulo], to find out more about the deaths in Operation Escudo, which has left 16 dead, 12 […]
"The sixth edition of the Atlas da Notícia, the census carried out by Projor to map the presence of local journalism in Brazil, showed a game change regarding occupying news deserts in the country. For the first time since the survey began in 2017, the number of municipalities considered deserts is lower than the number […]
"In 2022, the year of one of the toughest elections in Brazil, the Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji, by its Portuguese acronym) registered 557 cases of aggression against press members, 26% involving some type – more or less explicit – of gender violence. Of this group, 5% were categorized as episodes of sexual violence, with […]
"The radicalization of the political landscape has seriously affected the press freedom situation and journalistic activity in Brazil. The number of serious assaults on journalists increased by 34.2% between Jan. 1 and May 15, 2023, compared to the same period last year. The so-called assault on the Three Powers Square in Brasília, on Jan. 8, […]
"Judge Jayder Ramos de Araújo, of the 10th Civil Court of Brasilia, ordered the removal of an interview with Julyenne Lins Rocha, ex-wife of the House of Representatives president, Congressman Arthur Lira, by [news website] Congresso em Foco. The decision, which was issued as a preliminary injunction, was in response to a request by Lira […]
"The speaker of the [Brazilian] House of Representatives, Deputy Arthur Lira (PP-AL party), filed a lawsuit before the 24th Civil Court of Brasília to remove YouTube videos from the ICL Notícias program, which contains articles, interviews and critical comments against him. The lawsuit mainly refers to content published on June 6, with comments on the […]
"On the grounds that [the radio station] Jovem Pan aligned itself with the disinformation campaign that has been spreading throughout the country since 2022, the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office [MPF, by its Portuguese acronym] filed a public civil action requesting the cancellation of three broadcasting licenses granted to the station. According to the agency, the […]