"Cuban journalist and activist Lázaro Yuri Valle Roca - detained since June 2021 - was sentenced to 5 years in prison for the crimes of 'enemy propaganda of a continued nature,' independent news outlets from the island reported on Aug. 29. Valle Roca was sentenced along with three other dissidents who received joint seven-year sentences […]
“On May 22, Juan Argueta, a landowner in the municipality of San Jose, filed a criminal complaint against [journalist Sonia] Pérez, a correspondent for the local broadcaster Radio Progreso, accusing her of trespassing and damage to private property, according to news reports, a report by Radio Progreso, and the journalist, who spoke to CPJ via […]
“The Argentine Journalism Forum (FOPEA, for its acronym in Spanish) celebrates the ruling of the Tucumán Courts that establishes that journalist Irene Benito was being unfairly criminalized. The ruling of the criminal judge Alicia Freidenberg dismisses the complaint filed by Alfredo Falú, a lawyer and public official who had been investigated by Benito and the […]
"The Committee to Protect Journalists on Thursday called on Cuban authorities to refrain from sentencing freelance journalist Lázaro Yuri Valle Roca to prison, to drop all charges against him, and to release the journalist, who has been held for more than a year in pretrial detention. In a closed-door hearing at the Marianao Municipal Tribunal in […]
"The 8th Private Law Chamber of the São Paulo State Court of Justice (TJSP, by its Portuguese acronym) upheld the conviction of President Jair Bolsonaro for offense and sexual insinuations against journalist Patrícia Campos Mello, of the [newspaper] Folha de S. Paulo. By 4 votes to 1, the judges upheld the lower court's decision and […]
"The ninth judge of the criminal trial district of Managua, Luden Martín Quiroz García, confirmed the sentences of between 7 and 13 years in prison requested by the Public Ministry [of Nicaragua] against the five implicated in the case known as Fundación Violeta Barrios de Chamorro (FVBCH). (...) Cristiana Chamorro Barrios, former director of the […]
"A Nicaraguan judge found journalist Miguel Mora guilty for the crime of 'conspiracy' on Feb. 4. Mora was one of seven presidential candidates imprisoned in the country for eight months, after announcing his intention to run against President Daniel Ortega. Ortega was re-elected in November for a fourth consecutive term. The former director of the […]
"The Public Prosecutor's Office opened an investigation against journalist Ernesto Cabral Mejía of OjoPúblico, for committing the alleged crime of unlawful disclosure, punishable by up to six years in prison. This was after 2019 when this news outlet and The Intercept Brasil revealed a series of [alleged] irregular dealings between the defendant for money laundering and […]
“Two years and seven months after his arbitrary detention, Espacio Público demands once again the dismissal of the case against Luis Carlos Díaz, a journalist and human rights defender whose court case continues despite the lack of evidence against him and even though the prosecutor's office has not delivered the final act of its investigation. […]
"The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) rejects the order of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) of Guatemala to investigate the newspaper elPeriódico for publishing a document on alleged acts of corruption in public administration. The organization claims the CSJ must investigate the integrity of the complaint, not the whistleblowers. On September 27, the CSJ […]
“This Friday [Aug. 28], the Guatemalan journalistic association condemned the ‘judicial harassment’ suffered by the local newspaper La Hora, whose directors have been criminally accused of violence against women by the official Alejandra Carrillo. The Association of Journalists of Guatemala (APG, for its acronym in Spanish) indicated in a press release that it 'repudiates' the […]
"Journalists from Latin America warned about the use of new forms of judicial harassment –among them the Lawfare theory– by certain political sectors against journalism in the region. The most serious example was when on Tuesday [June 22] the 'justice' of the Daniel Ortega regime in Nicaragua raided the home of investigative journalist Carlos Fernando […]