
Threats Against Journalists

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Paraguay: Caritas Radio denounces threats against its work

"The Paraguayan radio station Radio Cáritas Universidad Católica 680 AM, dean of the radio in the country, denounced having been the victim of threats in recent days, allegedly due to information that generated 'uneasiness' in an unknown sector, according to what was reported on Tuesday (24.01.2023). This is what the general director of Radio Caritas, […]

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'We're going to kill journalists': Threat found in TV channel in Rosario, Argentina

"A poster with threats against the media hung on the headquarters of a television channel in Rosario (central Argentina) on Tues. Oct. 10 with. This TV channel denounces day by day the situation of violence the city is going through. The poster displayed on the front of the Telefe Rosario channel included phrases such as 'We're […]

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Ecuador: RTS TV channel suffers shooting attack and Extra newspaper receives death threats

"The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) condemned the attack against a television channel and the threats against a newspaper in Ecuador, which ‘seek to intimidate the practice of journalism.’ The organization called on authorities to promptly investigate these acts of violence in order to identify and prosecute those responsible. Two individuals on a motorcycle were […]

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Mexican journalist couple goes into exile after repeated threats by organized crime

"The call on May 13 was not the first nor the last. But it was the one that broke everything. The one that forced journalist Juan de Dios García Davish and his wife, also a journalist, María de Jesús Peters, to pack their bags, look for friends outside Mexico and prepare to flee. 'We are […]

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The press is experiencing a 'disheartening panorama' in Latin America, warns IAPA

“The right to freedom of the press is experiencing an extremely delicate moment in countries such as Nicaragua, Venezuela, El Salvador, Cuba or Mexico, black spots on a continent in which 24 journalists have died in the last 12 months, Inter-American Press Association (IAPA) officials said on Tuesday, April 19. In his speech at the […]

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Argentina: Journalist denounces threats and harassment after questioning mayor

"The Argentine Journalism Forum (FOPEA) expressed solidarity with journalist Jimena Villar, from media outlet chivilcoyaldia.com.ar, who denounced feeling 'threatened and harassed' by the mayor of the city [of Chivilcoy], as well as officials and councilors from the ruling party. The incident originated after a teacher posted a complaint on the news outlet about the condition […]

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Jalisco New Generation Cartel threatens media over coverage of Michoacán, Mexico

“The Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel has directly threatened Mexican journalism. At dawn this Monday [Aug. 9], a video began to circulate on social networks in which, in the name of Nemesio Rubén Oseguera Cervantes, El Mencho, leader of the drug trafficking group, several media belonging to Grupo Multimedios were threatened for their coverage in the […]

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IACHR adopts precautionary measures in favor of journalist Kalua Salazar and her family in Nicaragua

"On June 10, 2021, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) adopted Resolution 47/21, in which it granted precautionary measures in favour of Kalua Salazar and her family, after considering that they find themselves in a situation of serious and urgent risk of irreparable damage to their rights in Nicaragua. According to the request, the […]

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UNESCO reports 73% of women journalists suffer cyberbullying

“Seventy-three percent of women journalists have suffered online harassment related to their work, according to a pioneering study released by UNESCO on the occasion of the World Press Freedom Conference, which will be held starting April 29 in Namibia. 'Online violence, often in the form of coordinated misogynistic attacks, ranges from hate speech to threats […]