Following the steps of newspapers such as The Guardian (United Kingdom), Los Angeles Times (USA), La Información (Spain), and La Nación (Argentina), the Brazilian newspaper Folha de São Paulo launched on its website the blog "Afinal de Contas," or After All.
Brazilian journalist José Marcondes reported an alleged court ploy in Cuiabá, capital of the state of Mato Grosso, that accuses him of rebelliousness and sentences him to pay a fee for moral damages in two cases filed against him by senator Pedro Taques.
The Attorney General of the Brazilian state of Goias announced that he is opening an investigation into the magazine Carta Capital because the Sunday, April 1, edition was deemed offensive to the state and Governor Marconi Perillo.
Brazilian journalist Danielly Tonin has been receiving threats since publishing an article that criticized the administration of the mayor of Rondonópolis, the third-largest city in the state of Mato Grosso.
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) of the Organization of American States (OAS), opened an official inquiry into Brazil's failure to investigate the circumstances of the death of journalist Vladimir Herzog.
Brazilian journalists and international journalism organizations are dismayed that Brazil, along with Cuba, Venezuela, India and Pakistan, decided to block a U.N. plan that would have promoted journalists' safety.
Through social networks, Brazilian military police discovered a plot to kidnap journalist José Luiz Datena, host of the television program "Urgent Brazil," on the night of Wednesday, March 28, according to a column written by journalist Flávio Ricco of UOL.
Less than a week after a Brazilian court prevented a journalist from criticizing the administration of the governor of Mato Grosso, a court in Pará forced a blogger to remove all stories from her website about a city councilman from Belém, the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo reported on Tuesday, March 20.
The co-owner and director of the Brazilian newspaper Costa Oeste was shot to death the evening of Saturday, March 24, in front of a beverage distribution company in the city of Santa Helena, in the interior of the state of Paraná, reported the newspaper Jornal de Santa Catarina.
On the afternoon of Monday, March 12, a cameraman working for TV Record was attacked while covering a traffic accident in Campo Grande, capital of the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul, reported the news site MS Record.
On Tuesday, March 20, the governor of the Brazilian state of Piauí prevented journalists and press officers from attending a national Congress meeting, reported the news site Portal Imprensa.
In yet another case of judicial censorship in Brazil, an injunction is preventing a journalist from criticizing the administration of the governor of the state of Mato Grosso, Silval Barbosa (PSDB), reported the news site Repórter MT.