

Posts Tagged ‘ Corruption ’

hands holding up newspapers

UNESCO report confirms quality journalism essential for democracy, accountability and civic engagement

A new UNESCO report confirms what many journalists and researchers have thought: quality journalism is good for democracy, civic engagement and government accountability. Further, public investment in it improves trust from citizens, and promotes human rights and sustainable development.

A man in a suit and a woman in a blue dress wave to the crowds when being inaugurated as president and vice-president of Uruguay. A horse and soldier to the right and a man follows along on foot to the left.

The Astesiano case: How the press covered one of the most talked-about criminal cases of recent times in Uruguayan politics

Alejandro Astesiano was chief of security of the current President of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou, until he was arrested by the Police for leading an organization that falsified documents to obtain passports for Russian citizens. Very quickly, the Uruguayan press obtained the investigative folder of the case which contained more than a thousand Whatsapp chats by the accused.

Rapper with the words Lava Jato tattooed on his head sitting on a chair

With debut series on Operation Car Wash, new media outlet combines investigative journalism and political satire

The CEO of Plop Contenido believes that Ampli is still in an experimental stage, in which he wants to test the premise that it is possible to produce news content with a humorous footprint.

ABC Color logo

Paraguayan journalist denounces lawmaker for alleged bribery attempt

A Paraguayan journalist for the newspaper ABC Color was sued for calumnia and defamation by a lawmaker who the reporter said participated in an attempt to bribe him so that he’d stop investigating a story.