

Posts Tagged ‘ Cuba ’

Art about zero access to information

How to tell stories in countries that have non-transparent and authoritarian governments? Latin American journalists shared experiences and strategies

During the LATAM Festival of Digital Media and Journalism, journalists from Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico, and Venezuela shared how they go around the opacity and hostility of their governments. They agreed that the lack of transparency and access to information can cost human lives.

person standing at an airport and staring at an airplane in the sky

Forced out: Latin America's investigative reporters pushed into exile

Voces del Sur reports that 170 journalists from the region were forced into exile in 2020 and 2021 to escape arbitrary imprisonment or even assassination attempts. To understand this worrying exodus, GIJN spoke with exiled members of the press from Nicaragua, El Salvador, Cuba, and Colombia, who shared how they had been pushed into exile, and gave tips for other watchdog journalists who face similar threats.

Woman holding her head down

Women journalists in authoritarian contexts face different challenges than their male colleagues when practicing journalism

Women journalists in Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and El Salvador face misogynistic comments, threats to their physical integrity and their family environment, and violations of their privacy. In this article we learn about the experiences of women who have practiced journalism in these three countries.

Mural displaying the Cuban flag and the Che Guevara icon, in Havana

Reforms to the Cuban Criminal Code intensify the repression against journalism and criminalize foreign financing of independent media

Amendments approved this month by Cuba's National Assembly, which hinder foreign funding and imprison anyone who slanders public officials, provide the Cuban regime with legal tools to justify its attacks on independent press coverage.

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Velocidad Fund shares key areas necessary for digital news outlets in Latin America to become independent, sustainable, and reach a broader audience

Media accelerator Velocidad shared lessons learned in 16 months of consulting, follow-up and financial support to ten news outlets in Latin America. During this time, these media organizations saw improvements in their organizational structure, audience loyalty, business model and product vision and culture.

Illustration of hands on top of one another

Activist collective in Cuba raises funds to provide shelter and protection to harassed women journalists

Collective of women journalists from Cuba seeks to raise funds to create a shelter and provide protection to journalists who face police and judicial harassment from the Cuban State, for practicing their profession as independent journalists.

Cuban flag

Journalists in Cuba are besieged, intimidated and watched to prevent them from covering the 15-N protests

Members of the press have faced extrajudicial house arrests, summons with authorities, suspension of services, withdrawal of accreditations and the presence of security agents near their homes since days before the 15-N protests.

Yoel Acosta Gámez: ‘minha mensagem ao regime comunista é vamos continuar mostrando a realidade do povo cubano. Não temos medo de ser levados para a prisão’. Foto: ADN Cuba

Cuba fines independent journalist based on recent decree regulating the internet

Cuban independent journalist Yoel Acosta Gámez is one of the first to be fined under the new Decree-Law 35, which regulates telecommunications services on the island but, in practice, tightens control over the use of the internet and social media.

Cuban flag

Cuban journalists detained during historic demonstrations; some whereabouts unknown and one faces charges

Seven journalists have been detained in Cuba following historic demonstrations throughout the island that started on July 11 amid food and medication shortages.

Map shows global press freedom situation. Source: RSF

Latin American countries fall in global press freedom ranking

The global press freedom ranking by NGO Reporters Without Borders (RSF) confirmed a perceived trend in Latin America: a general worsening of conditions for the exercise of journalism on the continent. Of the 24 countries in the region analyzed, 19 lost points in the RSF survey.