For suffering through attacks and threats for covering drug trafficking and organized crime, Mexican journalist Javier Arturo Valdez Cárdenas was named one of the winners of the Committee to Protect Journalists' 2011 International Press Freedom Awards.
Journalists, academics and telecommunication experts joined to form "Ya Basta de los Abusos de Televisa" (Enough already with Televisa's abuses), dedicated to denouncing media campaigns and manipulation of information of Mexican television and multimedia giant Televisa.
The documentary "Presumed Guilty," which details the shortcomings of the Mexican judicial system, won an Emmy for best investigative journalism, reported CNN México.
International organizations and the French government condemned the killing of Mexican journalist María Elizabeth Macías.
The body of a decapitated journalist was found on the morning of Sept. 24 in a roundabout in the border city of Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, reported the GlobalPost.
A journalist in the Gulf state of Veracruz, Mexico was reported missing by his family, reported the newspaper La Jornada de Veracruz.
Two Mexicans accused of terrorism and sabotage for posting false rumors over Facebook and Twitter were freed Sept. 21 after spending a month in jail, reported Reuters.
Reporters Without Borders listed Mexico and four other countries in an interactive Internet documentary titled "In the Heart of Censorship" to raise awareness about violations of freedom of expression.
The hacking activist group Anonymous attacked several Mexican government websites during the country's independence day celebrations on Sept. 15.
With authorities unable to identify the two bodies hanged on a bridge in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, it is difficult to determine if the victims were targeted for using a blog, Twitter, Facebook or some other social media to report on organized crime.
Human Rights Watch honored a Mexican and Venezuelan journalist for defending freedom of expression, even after suffering persecution and threats.
The Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, which also administers the Pulitzer Prize -- the top U.S. journalism award -- announced on Wednesday, Sept. 14, the winners of the 2011 Maria Moors Cabot Prizes.