

Posts Tagged ‘ Spying ’

Latin American governments use hostile speech, judicial harassment and spying to censor journalists

Twenty-five civil society organizations working in different Latin American countries presented in a public hearing before the IACHR the problems faced in the region regarding state censorship measures. They said these measures directly affect the press and human rights defenders and are intended to undermine oversight of powers and public criticism.

Eye looking through the peephole with an image of the Mexican Army in the background and a hand holding a smartphone.

Spying on Mexican journalists and activist took place in a secret military unit, reveals 'Spy Army' investigation; NGOs call for international support

Authors of the investigation "Ejército Espía [Spy Army]" do not rule out going to international mechanisms to bring justice to victims of the Pegasus spyware in Mexico, after revealing that the spying on journalists and activists in that country comes from a secret military intelligence center and that the Secretary of Defense had knowledge of it.

Member of the Mexican Army in front of a background of computer text

Military forces behind new cases of spying on Mexican journalists, reveals 'Ejército Espía' investigation

A forensic and journalistic investigation found evidence of spying with Pegasus spyware against journalist Ricardo Raphael and a colleague from Animal Político by the Mexican Army, an institution that has seen its power grow considerably during the López Obrador administration.

A hacked mobile phone with a voice recorder and a keyboard in the background

For Mexican journalists, President López Obrador’s pledge to curb spyware rings hollow

Ending illegal surveillance of journalists and activists was one of Andrés Manuel López Obrador's promises after he became president of Mexico in 2018. Four years later, new evidence of spying on journalists is emerging, while journalists and NGOs believe that the president has little to show for his promises.

Claudia Julieta Duque

Colombian press freedom organization warns about collection of sensitive data belonging to at-risk journalist

Colombia’s FLIP denounced that the organization in charge of protecting journalist Claudia Julieta Duque collected sensitive data from the reporter through detailed monitoring from the GPS installed in her vehicle given as part of a protection scheme.