
Transnational Journalism

Posts Tagged ‘ Transnational Journalism ’

Nicaraguan journalist Enrique Gasteazoro speaks during the 17° Colloquium on Digital Journalism in Austin, Texas.

Internews presents projects with cross-border approaches to strengthen information ecosystems in Latin America

At the Ibero-American Colloquium on Digital Journalism, part of the Americas team at Internews shared how cross-border approaches can empower local journalism, mitigate disinformation and help media survive.

Drug trafficking causes journalists to self-censor in Brazil-Paraguay border towns

The advance of drug trafficking in the border region between Paraguay and Brazil puts journalists who report on the issue at risk. LatAm Journalism Review interviewed four reporters who told how they protect themselves from being exposed to threats from organized crime.

Map of the Caribbean with graphics depicting disinformation online.

Media literacy, journalistic collaboration and professionalization of the press: Areas to be strengthened to combat misinformation in Caribbean countries

Promoting media literacy in schools, stimulating collaboration among the region's media and journalists, and improving the training and working conditions of communication professionals are necessary measures to lessen the impact of misinformation in the Caribbean, according to a study.


How can international journalists cover Latin America? Journalists from the region give recommendations at journalism festival in Italy

Journalists from other continents seeking to cover Latin America should identify patterns in common among the different countries, find points of connection with the realities of other regions and collaborate with local journalists, said María Teresa Ronderos, Alejandra Sánchez Inzunza and Silvia Viñas, guests at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, Italy.

Report for the World art

Report for the World global program expands its presence in Latin America to boost environmental and corruption investigations

Quinto Elemento Lab, Conexión Migrante, Agência Pública and ((o))eco are some of the new media partners of the Report for the World journalist support program. In its first year of operation in Brazil, it managed to boost journalistic coverage of issues related to the Amazon region.

Tall buildings in a big city with symbols for different currency

Latin American media unite for global investigation, FinCEN Files, and reveal transnational money laundering schemes

Seventy-two journalists from 13 countries in Latin America participated in the global journalistic investigation known as the FinCEN Files, the latest transnational collaboration coordinated by ICIJ and BuzzFeed News.