
Knight Center

Recent Articles

Featured Image Keefe Course

Nearly 400 students from 58 countries learned data journalism in a special online course from the Knight Center

Nearly 400 people from 58 countries registered for “Hands-on Data Journalism: Techniques of Analysis and Visualization,” which was taught by John Keefe, senior data and visuals editor for climate coverage at CNN.  

Featured Image Ebook

Knight Center launches pioneering ebook 'Diversity in Latin American Journalism'; download for free

The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas published the ebook “Diversity in Latin American Journalism,” which features reflections from 16 journalists from seven countries on how to make newsrooms and news coverage more inclusive.

Featured Image ISOJ Journal

Call for papers for 2022 #ISOJ Journal now open with special edition on AI and the news

Researchers are invited to submit extended abstracts for the 2022 edition of the #ISOJ Journal,  the peer-reviewed official research publication of the International Symposium on Online Journalism.

Photos of the ebook launch panelists

Knight Center launches book on ‘Diversity in Latin American Journalism’ during NAHJ conference

The pioneering e-book “Diversity in Latin American Journalism” will be launched during the annual conference of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ). 

Featured Image for Periodismo de Datos MOOC

Register for online course on data journalism in Spanish and learn to find and process large volumes of information

There is a new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), “Introduction to data journalism: How to find and process large volumes of information,” offered in Spanish by the Knight Center thanks to support from Microsoft.

Self-directed banner for how to report safely

'How to report safely: Strategies for women journalists & their allies' now available as a self-directed online course

“How to report safely: Strategies for women journalists & their allies” is now available as a self-directed online coursethat can be taken through JournalismCourses.org, Knight Center’s online learning platform.

Banner for newsletter course

Online course on launching a newsletter now available to take at any time on Knight Center platform

The course “Newsletter strategies for journalists: How to create, grow & monetize newsletters” teaches how to launch and maintain a newsletter through a standard product life cycle. It is now available online as a self-directed course.

COVID vaccines featured image

How can journalists improve coverage of the COVID-19 vaccines? Knight Center offers free, self-directed online course

Journalists who want to best inform the public about the vaccines and combat disinformation surrounding them can now take “Covering the COVID-19 vaccine: What journalists need to know” for free, online and at their own pace.

Featured Image ISOJ

ISOJ wraps up second virtual-only conference with more than 7,300 registrants from 154 countries

More than 7,300 people from 154 countries and territories registered for the 22nd annual International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) as the global journalism conference went completely online for the second year in a row.

Featured Image ISOJ

ISOJ wraps up second virtual-only conference with more than 7,300 registrants from 154 countries

More than 7,300 people from 154 countries and territories registered for the 22nd annual International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) as the global journalism conference went completely online for the second year in a row.